Chapter Fifteen - Healing

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I SUCKED IN A BREATH that made me lightheaded. I didn't know what this was, but I wasn't falling for it anymore. And since when did light bulbs turn into people? I didn't move or speak, flattened on the branch like a lizard. He paced, hands in his pockets.

"I know you're here, somewhere. I know you don't understand what you're seeing. There's a lot to talk about."

My pulse roared between my ears. My head felt like it was filled with cotton, buzzing with a high-pitch ringing.

For now, the instinct of survival ruled everything else out. I wouldn't let this... this thing approach me. If he couldn't find me, then it'd stay that way.

The thing that looked like Luc moved around, mindfully studying the surroundings. It wasn't searching high, only low. If it had been able to stand up to a pack of—I didn't even know what those were—without a scratch, then it was a massive threat to me.

He raised his arms in surrender.

"It's really me, I swear. Same Luc you pissed off in the woods, same one that's right next to your locker and has English and Biology with you. Sadly." He paused and waited. The back of my eyes burned, and I held in a gasp. " We argued at Adam's party tonight. I said you were crazy again." He snickered, and I felt my blood boil over the weariness.

Damn that asshole. It was Luc, all right.

But if this was him, then the Luc I knew was never human in the first place. How could I trust this when there was no witness? Nothing would stop him from wiping out a girl who found out his secret, no matter what it might be. He waited again, longer this time, and didn't show any intention of leaving.

"I have all night," he called. "I promise it'll be okay. The insurance would be annoying to deal with, remember?"

I shivered, close to melting down. With my injuries, I'd never make it far and if he'd wait me out. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd start combing soon. He seemed sincere, though. Maybe I could trust him—I hoped so. What I did next took all my willpower.

"I'm here," I rasped.

Luc whirled in my direction, eyes gleaming in the dark. "I knew you didn't make it far, Sunshine. Can you move?"

I'd climbed into this tree without knowing how I'd get down without causing more damage. "No..."

He used that to guide himself, and I heard disbelief color his tone. "Did you actually climb a tree?"


"Keep talking, I'm moving in."

I watched him walk closer with caution, and unease pricked my skin. What would I do once he saw me?

"I told you I wasn't crazy," I said sheepishly. "Although I believe I'd just made the most terrible and traumatizing decision of my entire life."

He disappeared under the tree zone, and the leaves crunched under his approaching footsteps. "For once, we agree. You're on some strong idiot juice. Even I'm impressed."

"You better have one hell of an explanation to give me." My voice surprisingly grew mocking.

"I sure do," he sighed.

Then, a beam of light flooded up my face, causing me to block my eyes. It lowered, and I could see again. Blinking to allow my sight to readjust, I realized it came from Luc's palm. He gave a half-relieved, half-tense smirk.

"Found you."

I didn't know what to say anymore. My eyes were welling up and stinging. There was this added shame to being seen all banged up, the acceptance of it because I was so helpless and desperate. I dropped my head on the bark, in a world of pain, refusing to take in anything other than my heartbeat.

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