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CALDWELL HUNG UP THE PHONE, pondering over the new report. Her computer screen streamed a press bulletin on the latest Oakwood carnage. Mutated ferals were hard to deal with. It had been quite the feat to train them as a group. For that, she'd selected the smartest, fiercest ferals and encouraged that genetic strain to multiply.

A grin spread across the woman's face. Perhaps they worked a little too well.

Nevertheless, the important had been achieved. She had been able to catch images of Lucas with Skylar together on numerous occasions. The project was coming on slowly but steadily. With a content sigh, she dialed another number and contacted the director of the nearest compound.

"M. Reenberg, I believe it is time to remove the ferals. We have what we need concerning Lucas. We can move onto the next step."

If they succeeded at drawing her in, Lucas was likely to follow and they could bring him right they wanted him. By now, the proximity of her own kind should be making its impact on the girl's condition.

"You want me to call a team?" Reenberg said over the phone.

Calling them in would allow them to kill two birds with one stone. There was interesting potential in that survivor. It was so very rare, a human that lives after a bite and the cocktail of toxic agents that it delivered. An opportunity that was not to be wasted.

"Yes. But tell them to take it easy. There's no rush. We'll be watching and waiting for the right moment."


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