Chapter Nineteen - Phone Call With Adam

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HOMESICK AND DESPERATE for normality, I'd checked out the school's swimming pool for free periods. It won't ever compare to the ocean, but it counted for something.

I ate lunch with Emma, Sam and Jen. Adam had stopped by before joining his friends. Glancing at the first table by the doors, I noticed the empty seat near the girl and the other kids—Luc's usual spot.

She met my stare with a massive scowl. I quickly looked away then blinked a few times to make sure I hadn't hallucinated it. I looked again. Her eyes glared right back like she wanted to shove my head into the toilet bowl.

And that was one more person added to the hall-dodge list.

Through the end, I wondered if Luc would be there to escort me home like he said he would, given that he hadn't been to school today. The sun shone high in the sky, and it was almost the end of September. If Wanderers came out at night, then why bother?

I walked across the paved entry, cutting through the grass. I started to round the parking lot when a dark head of tousles appeared, leaning over that unmistakable Range Rover like he had no care in the world.

"I didn't think you'd really do it," I let out, astonished.

Luc gave a superstar smile. "I'm full of surprises, Sunshine." He pointed his chin toward his car. "Now, get in. I don't have all day."

I rolled my eyes and crossed the distance between me and the vehicle, ignoring him as he opened my door. I could sense half of the campus gawking. It was beyond embarrassing.

"Thanks," I mumbled and sat down.

Luc got behind the wheel, paying no heed to the students. "How's the scar doing?"

My fingers, as if by instinct, brushed the bite mark over the fabric of my sweater. "It's fine. The swelling is completely gone."

Without lifting a hand, the radio activated, and music filled the void. I turned my head over to the window to watch the little town dissolve into dense forest, a show I never grew tired of. It was different from the beach, the sand and the rocks, but I could lose myself in this view.

"Are you watching the house today?"

"Yeah. It's my turn since I practically forced my friends last night."

That was why the girl was angry. I wanted to say nothing made him do all this, and I hated the idea of being monitored until further notice, but I hated even more getting killed. Next to the threat, putting up with Luc's crap was worthwhile. When this would be all over, we'd go on with our separate lives. Win-win. Luc stopped in the empty driveway of my house and gave me a look.

"You don't plan on telling your old man about this anytime soon, do you?"

The hand that hovered over my buckle stilled. "Why?"

"This stays between you and me. I can't have this spread from one person to another, if people would even believe it."

"Then why is it not a problem that Emma knows about you?"

Hard lines appeared around the corners of his mouth. "It was an accident, and I can't change it. We don't do reveals. It's credo."

"But you literally showed yourself doing the light bulb thing or whatever it's called..."

"It's harnessing light," he corrected. "And yes, there was no other way this time, not like when I knocked you unconscious and gallantly tucked you to bed."

My eyes widened like saucers. "You knocked me unconscious?"

"I panicked."

Mother of...

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