chapter three: where it all begins

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   suhana's pov

After six months of shahveer's sister wedding his mom (my phupo) died it was the most heartbreak for shahveer as he was so attachedd to his mom nd loves her alot nd so does his mom it was ramadan nd after that eid comes but there was no joy for shahveer nd this made his heart turned into a stone nd all he becomes a straight headed mature man wid zero emotions cz he thinks the more u get attached to anyone the more u get hurt
Nd time passes by he became more nd more stone-hearted.

Then aftr 3 months i heard my parents mumbling something abt me nd shahveer as i listened it wid more concern i got knw that " jamal was saying is that even weird to get suhana nd shahveer into a relationship.. shahveer is a good guy having his own business house but is it that suhana nd shahveer leads a age gap is it that or else" stated my father the statement of his brother (my taya) jamal ..... "I knw shahveer's a good guy nd mashallah pretty handsome but my daughter is too young to handle a relationship as she is in matric still i dnt think its a good idea though!" Said my mom scrunching her nose nd nodding in saying a no
When i got to heard it i felt butterflies in my stomach as i started thinking that "shahveer bhai is the one that im going to get in a relationship wid" i asked myself wid a questioning tone  then aftr a cpl of hours i heard my mom talking to my nani(grandmother) on call " i dnt think shahveer will be good choice for suhana as the lead a pretty age gap nd suhana is still 16 nd is in matric how can i tied her in a knot in her early age??" Said my mom to my nani as i think nani is still forcing her to even jst think for a time shahveer's a good guy
"Arggghhhh!!! Im tired of hearing shahveer Bhai's name as a good guy i knw he is but better for himself only" i said it in my mind Rolling my eyes
Aftr a day me along my parents were sitting in the terrace nd i heard someone coming upwards nd wallah its my dadi nd i was in a shock nd so many thoughts trembling in my mind "why is she here? Is she really going to ask my father for the proposal? Is shahveer bhaii nd i going to get engaged?!!!!!! Yaaa Allah whyy is this all im thinking""" i smiled at her wid a confusing face nd i heard another footsteps heading towards us to the terrace it was none other my uncle jamal who created all this mess i smiled at him wid a devilish look nd then wht he said i didn't even want my ears to accept them

Appa (we call our dadi by this name) are u jst hear to ask for an official proposal"""" said my uncle smirking  " whaaaaaaaattttt!!!! Seriously its not going to be happen its so awkward whyyy thiss all????" I screamed in my head while making a deadly look at them i found my apa saying" stay shut u talks alot" scolding my uncl as i was still sitting there nd knws Everything "yeah yeah okayyyy" said my uncl smirking and staring at me then i jst smiled awkwardly and stand up nd jst rushed towards my cousins my twins cousins (hamna nd amna) they were sitting in the hall downstairs nd also known everything jst as i reached there they both screamed " why r u here suhana u should be upstairs as apa has gone there u should be there listening to them has they gathered there to make it all official"" said one of them nd the other nodding at her in agreement " noooooo i cant be there it was so awful nd awkward for as uncl jamal said r u here to make it official nd put a ring on her hand? It was so difficult for me to still sit there as I'm panicking " i stated to my cousins while still panicking nd shivering nd aftr Eid ul adha my uncl (my twins cousin's father ) died(r.i.p) nd it all vanished for some time as aftr some days i met my best cousin frnd zayna she is my phupo's daughter nd a dearest frnd of mine wid whom i share everything so i decided to share all this messed up situation im going through so jst as i told her all the situation im in she gasps "suhana r ur parents really seeing through in this proposal as shahveer bhai nd u are so different and there's a slight age gap between u both ," she said in confusion like there r so many thoughts going through her mind   "i knw ya but i didn't even imagined shahveer bhai nd me together i was used to play wid him when i was a kid nd he was used to buy me chocolate Everytime nd now jst look how time passes by nd i even cant imagine him more than a brother " i said while gasping nd nodding my head in confusion.  "Dnt worryy Allah will make it all easy nd im always here for u" zayna said while holding my hand nd giving me a peaceful nd relaxing smile " nd yeah dnt u even stressed abt it right?" Zayna added
I was feeling so lucky at that time having her as my best frnd she is always here for me when i need her the most aftr i was relieved i dnt knw whyy then aftr some days we all went to our nani's house as we went there aftr we all had lunch nd talking my  eldest mamu(wali) came along him my other two mamus(maternal uncl) ahad nd hamad me nd mom nd nani nd my youngest khala (maternal aunt) mehreen was sitting as we all were sitting my mom asked me to go out as they all want to discuss something i rolling my eyes nd making angry face glaring at Mom stepped out of the room nd get myself sit in the couch on the in the lounge
While sitting i watched hamad mamu (the youngest one nd i m so closed to him) stepping out of the room wid saying something on hiss way out wid a questioning face nd head towards my nana's room calling him that come nd sit wid us as ambreen (my mom) asking him to come nd help in some matter i raised an eyebrow on my mamu he smiles and got nana wid him too to the room where everyone was sitting

Somee plot twists are heading ahead stay tunedddd

Asalamoalaikum peepssss luvvv yaaa alll
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Keeep smiling..


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