chapter four : everything was totally awkward

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Yaayyyyyy!!!! An updateee ... Noww showw skmee love and support..
Story will be interesting ahead..
Plzzz read my another story "i hate that I love you" and show some there alsoo

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Suhana's pov

After a big convo between them my khala got out nd comes towards me while having a smile on her face while i raised my brow at her nd she giggled heading towards kitchen while mumbling something i joined her at kitchen while making an angry face "what happened sweety??" She asked with a smile  . "Why everyone let me out im a big girl now nd i can be there in the meeting " i said while scrunching my nose .." seee i also got of there its not an ego issue my girl" she said while giggling i nodded at her as im okay wid that words of her gave me comfort cz she is a darling to me nd she is like a best frnd to me
As i decided to stay there my mom nd sis went home as i stayed wid my khala asking that whts happening .. " guess it come on" she said winking at me i giggled in confusion saying "what can i say" awkwardly she smirked nd said "I'll let u guess it by the area they live in"
Waitttttttt something is fishy i was expecting it to be a 'he' not 'they' it means there is more than one proposal i screamed in my mind "whaaattt i was expecting is it to be only one but u r saying its more than one ..... Arghhhhh nooooo!!!!" I yelled bursting out of panick "now come on khala tell me naa who r they ? or whts mom's reaction to both proposal ? M i going to get engaged? ohhhhhh man whtsss happening" i screamed nd got panicked while khala was burst into laughter "what's so funny" i said while rolling my eyes she said " its nothing official they r jst proposals okayy!!! Nd ur mom is seems not so interested in it as she thinks that shahveer nd u leads an age gap so she is not that firm abt it nd it all finished nd there's nothing to worry about girl" i sigheddd in relief as i got to her that there is nthng " whoops i got so stressed over that awkward thing btw who's the other guy??" I asked in questioning tone  "ahemm aheemm someone's getting curious noooo!!!!" She smirked while picking my leg nd i jst rolled eyes then said "he's our cousin Meera's husband's brother danish" she cleared nd i jst nodded at it nd then aftr five seconds i burst yelling "whaaaaatttt whooooo thattt Danish he won't be able to chase my height though whyy can anyone think abt me and him sick ppl i must say" i said clinching my brows nd making awkward faces while khala burst in laughter watching me then khala told me " u knw wht nani was getting so much interested in shahveer's proposal u knw" she told while winking at me as nani enters " ammmiiiii (i call my nani by this) whtttt r doingg man u r making me a rebel howw can u imagine me and shahveer bhaii astagfirullah he is a bhaii to me" i said wid my face turned like a tomato cz of anger " whaatt mehreen wht had u told herr this not so goodd i didn't do anything okayy it's ur who's not interested i jst suggested it will be a good decision cz shahveer's a good guy" she cleared im tired of hearing thatttt shahveer good guyy "whatsoever dnt u both even suggest anything to mom okayy???" I warned them both cz im a stubborn out spoken nd a bit spoiled kid
Aftr an hour at midnight " shahveer's a good guy no? With his killing looks nd a handsome face " khala started teasing me knowing that I'll be burst out in anger but i said in a calm tone "well khala i dnt even find him handsome okayy and if u find him that handsome so u can marry him okayy" i said rolling my eyes nd she smile widely wid rolling eyes as she replies "hayeeee i wish i could but I'm married u knw " she replies making an innocent face nd then burst out laughing . Afterwards she says ur mom is not even interested in this proposal she thinks u r still her mama's lil gurl she said while she rolled her eyes
Then the so called shahveer Bhai's chapter was over and i was pretty relaxed that I m not going to get engaged now nd no way with shahveer bhai
When i brought back to my home i find my best cousin frnd zayna there as she waved at me frm the hall nd went closer to her nd hugged her as i meet her aftr long i have to tell her so many things abt this shahveer bhai chapter " come to my room i have so much to discuss" i whispered in her ear we then took leave and then rapidly got to my room first i asked her wht you'll take ? She said no no.  Im all okay ! "So can we strtt our discussing session" i said while  winking at her  "obvioooooo!! " While making an eager face as i started telling her that i got a marriage proposal frm shahveer bhai she stopped me there " waitttt what what what u saying say that again" she said in disbelief 
"Yeah yeah i knw it sounds so awkward lyk me nd shahveer bhai as a cpl i also cant even imagine it " i said while shrugging .. " okay continue now what's your point ? Did u said a yes ,? What does ur parents think abt this proposal ?? Are they willing to get into it? " She said while throwing me a pile of questions  " woahh woaah woaahh gurl hold on take a break nd breathe u r moving at 180 speed" i said rolling eyes nd shrugging "firstly i didn't said a yes nd nor my parents r interested in this proposal and its not going to happen as we say a no cz there is no match of me nd shahveer bhai together" i explained while giving all answers at once she nodded nd then we catch up wid our other gossips nd chit chat
After a while the door knocked nd my sis comes in while saying that zayna baji is being called by phupo as they r leaving she said okay im coming a bid her goodbye nd she leave
Days passes by wid the same boring daily routine as one day my cousin hamza nd amna hamna screaming my name frm downwards as i reached to them " what happened why u all r screaming lyk that " i asked while putting my hand on my chest nd breathing fast
As hamza started " that zayna u knw what happened u cant even believe manal dnt u knw abt that? Dnt u knw abt the news?" He said while his eyes opened in shock "no i dnt knw anything say what happened" i said in eager to knw the answer

Wht happened with zayna nd why all cousins r shocked wht was the news......... 

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Keeepp smiling


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