chapter seven : i jst can't

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Asalamoalaikum... Happieee reading...
Im not well but still i updated for my lovely people please showw some loveee and support..

As her mom walks in she immediately changes the topic putting it all towards her sister rameen nd started teasing her by her fiance  as her mother joined us as well saying " no dnt tease my daughter she jst agreed at my decision all gurls should be like this as we parents knw wht nd who will accompany them wid their lives nd provide them a good company " as i nodded at her saying " yeah that's true after Allah SWT only parents knw whts good for their children nd they well knw abt their children behavior nd mindset so its too good to be agreed wid parent's decision" i said as winning her heart
As we all sit for some more time doing chit chat nd then their mom said " u girls enjoy now I'll go to sleep"
As we all were sitting talking laughing as i saw zayna was sitting at the corner of the bed lost in her deeep thoughts i waved my hand infront of her getting her back at the present time i asked " wht happened u looking so weird nd u acting so weird is there anything u wanna talk abt??" I asked raising my eyebrow i
Of wht she jst nodded a 'no' nd i was not assured wod her answer as she is hiding something deep in her cz she never reacts that way wid me she is always a cool minded calm person as i m the hot minded person whom she handles accurately making me calm as im always Ready to argue nd fight but she always handles my mood swings  as im a veryy moody person only a few knw how to handle me but i was doubtful as she is going through something weird that she is hiding something inside deep down then suddenly she open up nd burst out her thoughts that were grumbling in her heart nd mind wid her eyes a bit moist she exclaimed " im not happy yrrr i dnt knw wht to do i tried hard to accept him but i jst can't i dnt knw why is it but i jst can't nd i feel same frm his side u knw wht he shows so much attitude i dnt knw for wht he doesn't bother to greet my parents nd act like he dnt even knw them for God sake yrrr my mom his aunt as well not jst his mother in law but he dnt understand that  i dnt knw wht this man is upto " she stops sighed nd again got back wid her work she was doing previously so we all again started talking like we doing then we drifted to sleep as we all were tired nd we woke up early nd had breakfast of halwa puri we all enjoyed having it nd then again we doze off to sleep md woke up late at mid noon and  phupo walks in as we all greet her then rameen rushed to her uni as she was having an important lecture and zayna had some lectures too so they both left making us annoyed nd irritated as we also took break frm our classes so we were annoyed cz why can't also took break r there classes more important than ours so we decided to go to quratulain baji house as it was our another phupo house a.k.a shahveer Bhai's house  so we went there as we brought there qurat api greeted us nd we replied wid same greetings wid a smile plastered on our faces as we were so hungry so we jst sat there nd started talking to her so she got saying that she has some work In her kitchen so we thought may be its that aftr a cpl of minutes she got back wid some veggies in her one hand nd a strainer in other hand " we dnt want anything to eat dnt take burden we r here jst to meet u " we three said in unison " ohhh hello girls calm down im jst preparing for night's diner soo chill girls" she said making a face so we thought may be she's jst preparing stuff for night's diner so we jst chill out aftr half an hour she was heading toward us wid a tray full wid burgers fries nd sauces our mouths started watering wid the sight cz we were hellaaa hungry as she brought the tray near us making us to smell the aroma of those freshly made burgers ummmm yummm " why u took burden appi we were jst here to meet there was no need of this formality " i said wid puppy eyes .
" Oohhhooo u girls talk alot now eat go on or they'll get cold then they'll won't taste goodd nd you'll then say qurat api dnt cook well" qurat api said scrunching her nose making us laugh as then she got up to grab cold drink for us our eyes sparkled eyeing at the fully chilled cold drink ohhh the combo taste like heavens. we eat nd drink wid full speed then parveen phupo entered we all greeted her wid our mouths full of that delicious thing she smiled nd greeted us back we offered her our burger but she denied saying im full Allhamdullillah jst got here to check up on qurat (parveen phupo is aurat api's mom) we nodded nd then dug into our delicacy we finished it all then started talking wid api nd phupo they both are sweethearts as we said that we have to get shower  so we took bath one aftr another nd then doze off to sleep cz we were soo tired so we woke up aftr 2 hours of sleep at 7 pm as we all got our faces washed cz we all were looking like zombies aftr we sat we saw someone's coming towards us nd greeted us he was none other than shahveer bhai as he got back frm office he was looking tired but still handsome ohh sorry did i jst say handsome ohh nooo but yeahh he was looking that way.  we greeted him back.  "Ohh so the girls are heree woaahh gooodd so u all ate anything " he asked out of concern as we nodded a yes that we had eaten. " So stay heree girls for diner I'll brought fast food for you'll all okayy enjoy I'll be make meet u all at diner" shahveer bhai said ohhh he's tooo goood such a gentleman he is i thought in my mind. "come sona parveen phupo asked us to visit her come we have to go " said hamna breaking off me frm my thoughts as i nodded nd got up as we were heading out qurat api blocked our way raising an eyebrow " where u all going huh? Stay here or else ur bhai will get angry cz he strictly ordered me that u girls should have diner wid us so no going anywhere stay here" she said. " But wellbe back we r jst going to visit parveen phupo as she asked her to " we said in Unison at which she nodded saying "okayy then go but remember u all had to have diner wid us done?" At which we do thumbs up nd she giggled

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