chapter ten: be shyy.

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Asalamoalaikum peeps janiissss. Sooo here another update now please don't kill me for vanishing .
Enjoy reading.....

Suhana's pov:

I stopped in my tracks when i heard mom saying 'my girl ' in the call. I turned and got back to where mom is standing . Mom smirked when she saw me. "Mom mom ask her for his pictures" i whispered to mom and mom does what i asked her for seriously she is too innocent for her age like any kid can easily got what he wishes for. "Uhh can you send his pictures on my husband's WhatsApp" mom asked and i smirked . "Mommyy ask his name " i said " what's his name you told me?" Mom asked nervously .she got nervous easily. "Ohhh Adeel i see" mom said sooo his name is adeell good name. I approve his name . List : item 1: good name: check. " Mom asked for his Facebook or Instagram account "i said and you know what mom literally asked it "ohh ohh okayy no problem if you don't know yeah truly how could you know about it " mom glared at me. Oopppsyy wrong move . "Mom still ask about his father name i can stalk him then. " I said and want it to myself but mom heard and glared but still asked her. "So it's adeel jameel right?" Mom asked . "Mom mom --" i was shut with a slap at shoulder i know it's time to shut up or else I'll be dead. "Will talk you later asalamoalaikum " with that mom ended the call and glared at me. "Don't you have any shame?" Mom asked still glaring. I shrugged my shoulders . "Be shy girl be a shy girl" mom said sighing. I giggled and said "mom if that then firstly i have to be a girl then i will be shy maybeee" i said as I'm stating a fact. Mom glared. I gave her a smile showing my all teeths at which mom chuckled watching my antics.
I was having dinner when i again heard those three devils i mean amna hamna and sofia calling me. "Hey hey hey why you all are screaming like there's some fire and I'm the fireman "i said in a most annoyed tone. "Come down fast in my room" sofia said more like an order "roger" i said sarcastically paying a salute.
When i went there i saw huge devilish grins on their devilish faces. I know they are upto something. "Sooo.. " sofia said . "Soo?" I asked with a raised brow on her attitude. "We have something for you" they all said in Union. "What.. what for me" i asked confused. Now it's confirmed they are up with something devilish. "We have some info about your would be husband" sofia said batting her eyelashes. "Ewwww grosss it sounds yakhh" i said with puking gesture. They it clicked me "what info spill it out NOW" i said irritatedly. "No baby not that easily. First you have to say what we all want you to say for us" amna said with a huge smirk plastered on each of them three face . "Chuck it NOW SPILL" i said getting curious. "Uhhh uhhh noooo" they all said. "arggggg I'll kill you all with my bare hands ." I said losing my temper. "Okay okayyy calm down girl just we all are the best" they said with huge smirks on their devilish faces. "Ufff okayy you all are best NOW SPILL" i said making a face. "Soooo wee found thattt..." Sofia trailed offf. "SCREW IT come to the point" i yelled. "Your  adeel is maryam baji's cousin in law" sofia said grinning and searching any emotion on my face. "I knew that what new" i said getting bored cuz that thing i knew that. "We had found his Facebook account yohhooo" sofia said smirking. "Whatttt " i was dumbstruck now. "Yeahh and we had seen his pic and yaaa know what" she said making a yakh face . "Screw you show me the pic " i said. "Well suhana so sorry for you tsk tsk but no worries still he lives in London what if face ... is not good what say Amna hamna hmmmm.. " she trailed off making a sad face. "Now come on please show me naaa " i said with pleading eyes. "Okay okayy don't cry you desperate girll" sofia said making me pout . She showed me his pictures and a gasp escaped my mouth. "Whatt the hell" i said disbelieving. "Yesss" they all nod in unison......

Sorrryyy for a short update but not feeling well soo please don't kill me.
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