chapter five : a shocking situation

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Asalamoalaikum happy reading ... Shower this story with your votes and comments .... This chapter is dedicated to my all followers and readers..
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"did u jst heard the news of zayna?? Do u knw wht happened ?? Yr how didn't u even knw she's ur best frnd?" Hamza exclaimed in shock "no i dnt knw anything now jst tell me right now" i say in anger
" You knw wht zayna got engaged with shahveer bhaii can u believe it" he said in confusion i stand still for a few more seconds wanting to believe what i jst heard aftr a bit amna said "wht happened suhana wht u thinking " i jst can't believe my ears i exclaimed all three nodded in agreement but still talking i was still wanting to believe wht i heard i ran to my parents nd break the news i jst heard they both were shocked to heard this but were happy also for shahveer bhai got engaged nd fixed then i jst called zayna nd congratulate her but she wasn't seems to be that happy she was in a shock still
After three days i got to zayna's house to Congratulate her for she got fixed with a good guy but when i met her she seems to be more annoyed than to be happy . I brought back home i discussed it with mom that zayna dnt seems to be happy with the relation mom said "it's all ur fiction dnt think much abt it why she dnt be happy as shahveer is a good guy nd he is of home so there is no chance of sadness or being annoy its all ur fiction" mom cleared as i nodded nd Said yeah maybe im thinking alot. Then aftr some days their engagement functions held frst at zayna's house then at shahveer Bhai's . Everything was going fine even as we gathered at dadi's house then i got zayna to my room as we both rushed to my room nd i asked wht everything is going on my mind cz she's my best friend nd i can guess that she's not happy than she has to be "wht happened zayna u seems to be so quite the day u got fixed is everything alright? Im noticing u that u aren't that happy why is that are u forced in this relation?" I asked as she kept quite for a while then she breaks the silence saying " no im all good there's nothing" she cleared i said "no i knw u since childhood nd i knw ur every expression nd u dnt seem to be for this relation i think u r forced into it ?" I asked her in a light tone as she nodded nd starts to break the silence as she says "that the other day parveen anty( my phupo nd shahveer nd zayna's khala) visits my house as only we siblings were at house nd mama nd baba were gone to visit chacha as parveen anty arrived we were not that shocked cz she visits us often but when she says call ur parents urgently i want to talk to them urgently we all siblings got anxious nd we called mama baba to right home as they arrived they asked us to go in our rooms as they elders are talking in a matter but as my room is jst Infront of drawing room where the elders were sitting as i watched parveen anty crying nd saying im here for shahveer's proposal for zayna as i jst got shocked when i heard that as my parents reply with a sudden no saying that zayna is still studying nd wants to complete her degree in medical she shed more tears as saying shahveer's mother is no more being his maternal aunt im here as his mother nd u can feel the pain shahveer's going through and im here with a so many hopes plzz dnt say no plzzz dnt shedding more nd more tears as i watched mama coming towards my room as i was crying listening to all this blackmail as she brought to me nd said i have no choice wht should I do i dnt knw wht to do as me and rameesha baji (zayna's elder sis) were saying no to this proposal as mama got back to drawing room watching that parveen anty got my father mind nd made him say yes while doing an emotional blackmail like this my engagement happened now u say how could i be happy when i dnt even agreed to it with my heart nd its a forced relationship they got me into" she explained as i watched a tear in her eye i nodded giving a confused expression that i dnt even knw wht to say nd how to calm her down cz my words won't mean anything to her wound as i jst said "everything's going to be fine in shaa Allah " wid a bright smile nd she mirrors it back then aftr some time she called by her mother as we both bid goodbyes nd i let to my mother as saying " mom u knw the other day i was saying that zayna is not happy wid the relationship i was right nd u were saying that it's all my fiction" i said while rolling my eyes at her as she said why r u saying this i told her the whole story of zayna been suffering from as she putting her hand on her chin while thinking said "hmmm i see then said wht can we do beta Allah made her fortune wid shahveer nd all will be in shaa Allah dnt u worry she'll get attached in shaa Allah" i nodded nd bid her goodnight as days passes by nd everything was coming in routine nd normal but still Zayna didn't accepted her relationship wid shahveer neither frm her mind nor frm her Heart . One day aftr some months nd after Eid ul adha we all gathered in a BBQ party arranged at parveen aunt's house shahveer was standing at roof's balcony  wid other men as all of the cousins nd women were at the floor jst beneath the balcony as me zayna nd rameesha were sitting at the corner side clicking selfies nd chatting as i watched shahveer bhai staring at me nd jst before me rameesha caught him staring at me as she says " why is shahveer bhai staring at u like this" wid a bitter tone as i replied to her in the same tone saying "mashallah he's ur brother in law go nd ask him all by yourself na why is he staring at me?" I said nd jst rolled my eyes at her giving a deadly look aftr that event i caught shahveer bhai staring at me so many times but i jst ignored it saying i dnt even wht this man is up to.

Why is shahveer bhai doing all this staring stuff?? What's he up to nd what's the future is up to no one knws but this is the plot twist nd so many plot twists are heading ahead

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