chapter nine: a proposal from London

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"mom I am getting late for coaching where is shahmir why he always do this to me" i said angrily tapping my foots at which mom chuckled watching . "Suhanaaa suhanaaa" a heard a voice frm outside as i got closer i recognized that its the voice of hamna she was calling my name "yeah say what happened ?" I asked her "dadi(grandmother) is calling your mom downstairs as there are her guests wants to meet your mom send her plzz" hamna said wid loud voice because she was standing downstairs . "Umm okayy I'll send her " after answering her i got back to mom conveying the message she got up have a  quick glimpse of her in the mirror nd then asked " Am I looking good" at which i rolled eyes nd she giggled jst like a teenage school girl.
After 20 minutes mom show up to me saying " ohhh your dadi is calling u downstairs to meet her guests she wants u to meet them" mom said wid a smile on her face ."umm why should i meet them i dnt even knw them no i dnt want to go downstairs as I'm already getting late for my classes" i speak steadily "but plzzz meet them they Mariam's(mom cousin) in laws relatives we all knw them " mom said trying to convince me to meet them. But me being me nd being too stubborn " no way man wht if they r blah blah Blah's relatives i dnt even want to show up to them nd I'm getting so late I'm getting ready plzzzz call shahmir so he can drop me to classes" i said getting my abaya nd pinning my hijab . I dnt usually wear abaya nd hijab but only at coaching because its co nd the main reason is I'm so lazy to daily get well dressed nd presentable so that's why. After my speaking mom stood quite but seems like she's in deep thinking i shrugged my head as i dnt knw wht she's thinking. As i got dressed she said " okayyy now come jst only greet them on ur way out" i huffed at her saying making a face at which she chuckled " drama queen" she mumbled nd i narrowed my eyes at her .
As i got downstairs i saw amna and hamna having naughty grins on their faces at which i rolled my eyes at them making them giggle . "Asalamoalaikum " i greeted to the ladies one  was middle aged lady in her 50s nd the other one was an old lady they both greeted back . The middle aged lady said " come beta Sit " nd gestured towards a chair in front of her . Ohhhh now i get it all these people are here with the rishta and all . I hate these rishta things when people come to see you and ask u weird questions nd watch u frm tip to toe. I hate all these things . When the woman gestured me to sit i glared at her nd saw my mom in confusing look then i sat in front of her at the mere centre of the hall room .uggghhh!!! I hate being everyone's centre of attention. When i sat there i heard that woman whispering in my dadi's ear "this girl is so pretty mashallah she's so beautiful" at her words i founds shudders going down to my spine . No that's not going to happen no way maaannnnnn!! I grumbled in my mind . "Beta wht r u studying nd how much of years the course wht have u planned for ur future" her words got back me from my thoughts "huh! Ummm im doing intermediate in pre engineering now nd after that i would apply in uni for further studies it will took four years in uni nd two years of intermediate in total all will cause six years of study" i said this in one breath after i smiled in a devilish manner . All were looking at me with their eyes wide open in shock of wht i jst said but i was willing to say this to keep these kind of things away frm me . I saw mom looking at me in awe nd then she gestured me to stand up nd leave i stood nd smiled to all of them nd took my leave . I got to amna hamna who were still in shock . I snapped my fingers in front of them nd they recovered frm shock "u rock girl wht u jst said God damnnnnn man" amna said dramatically at which i smirked . "Yrrrr i dnt these things now im too young for all this" i said in a huffed tone . "I have two sons and one daughter . One son and daughter married and im willing to ask hand of ur daughter for my youngest son he lives in London nd does job there " i heard that aunty saying at which my eyes go wide. "We should take our leave now can we have a picture of your daughter" i heard aunty again . Noooo!!! Nooo!!! I was screaming in my mind "umm sorryy we cant give u picture sorryy first i want to have full details abt ur son nd firstly i have to ask my husband first abt this " mom said at which i sighed in relief . "Umm so can u tell me what's the name of the girl?" Aunty again said. "She has so many problems man" i huffed in my thought ."simra her name is simra" i heard mom telling them my name . "Such a beautiful name suits her very much as beautiful as her" aunty said at which i rolled my eyes at her extra cheesiness .

Im asking for ur daughter's hand for my son !!!!!!
Whtttt seriouslyyyyyyy noooo!!!!!

Her words ranging in my ears as i run upstairs to my room . After i sat at the sofa loosing my hijab because u was feeling choking at her words . Is this going to happen? Will my parents say yes? No no this will not going to happen!!
I heard Sofia's voice along with amna hamna calling me i rushed towards the voices . "Yeahhh whtt" i said in loud voice ."come down dear come come" all three said having naughty grins at their faces . I rolled my eyes nd breathed deeply to calm myself as i stepped down nd got in front of them . "Hmmn whtttt" i said raising my eyebrow at their grins because i knw what's going in their devilish minds . "London shondon ahaaannn rishta frm London lucky haannn" sofia saidd while smirking i felt a lump formed in my throat i gulped in nd cleared my throat and began to speak " i dnt fancy these rishta things u knw well nd i dnt care if it is frm London or from anywhere i dnt even give a damn to it " i said nd shrugged my shoulders . "Ohh okayy girl calm down dnt get aggressive " sofia said throwing her hands in air in mock surrender at her act i chuckled . "Gotta rush to coa getting late " i said while heading to my room again pinning my hijab nd taking my bag nd rushed outside where shahmir (my brother) was standing tapping his foots like i made him wait "let's go now im already late" i shouted at him . We drove to coa getting inside the door . Time passed in a blur i can't pay my ful attention because i was having so many thoughts in my mind .
I cant study mannn all thanks to that aunty and her creepy son ...
I was thinking  as the time passed i got back home . Watching mom looking at her mobile like if she was Waiting for something . I greeted her she replied back "wht happened mom r u waiting for something?" I asked her in concern ."Umm no no wht should i be waiting for no its nothing" mom said but me being me im not expecting this as answer "come on tell me naa" i asked mom  in innocence . "Okay okayyy im waiting for his bhabhi to send pictures of the guy " mom said hearing her words my eyes go wide. "Whaaattttt!!! Are they sending pictures that's great well i was also here to ask u about people pictures i won't say yes until i see him" i said shrugging and glared at me at which i turned and let out a small chuckle .
Ring ring Ring.......

Dad's cellphone ringed indicating an incoming call mom took it urgently as she knows whose call it was but i shrugged nd was taking steps towards door while i heard. I know i know its bad to eavesdrop i didn't eavesdrop i jst heard it because i was also in the same room duhhh..
"Hello asalamoalaikum! How are you ?" Mom to the other sider . "Allhamdullillah im fine too ohh thank you im glad u all like my girl but if i m right u didn't come here ?" Mom asked and i stopped in my tracks as i heard mom saying "my girl".

Asalamoalaikum guyssss.
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