chapter eight : meeting phupo

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Asalamoalaikum guysss here's a new update for u all .... Enjoy
Happyyy reading

As we bid goodbye to qurat api we headed towards phupo's house as it was adjacent to shahveer Bhai's house so we jst got out of one gate nd entered the other jst like that the distance was. As we entered we climbed stairs nd we enter greeting phupo nd zohaib bhai as he was sitting wid phupo afterwards faiza baji came nd we greeted her also she's so sweet nd loving she's our cousin to she's our first blood cousin she said u girls are looking tired come to my room nd sleep there so we agreed as we head towards her room nd sleep in peace for more two merely hours nd our sleep breaks by a knock at door as we see between our sleepy eyes it was faiza baji saying "come everyone is waiting for u all for diner" she we got down "we are here for a party get together wid zayna nd rameen so we have to go there we can't have diner here" we said at which phupo replied " u knw wht if they were willing for get together they should've been called u or come here to pick u up but there's no sign of any of it so come nd have diner" so we all stayed silent and jst nodded at wht she said nd sat there nd started having diner aftr diner phupo said " I'll drop u there nd will ask them if they were willing for get together why dnt they even bother to call or pick u all up nd she is ur phupo too so she can manage for a party for u all nd got ur asked diner widout contribution " phupo said in such anger.
We got at rameen zayna's house as knocked the door clicked open wid there pale faces as we have done anything wrong huhh such people ohhh i can't say that they r my frnds. As we entered parveen phupo jst bursted out on shireen phupo saying " r u crazy they r ur nieces so can't u get them diner wht they asked why r u like that nd they had diner Allhamdullillah i ordered broasts for them nd they had diner well u jst drop them home now" wht all she said shut the door behind her in anger.
We were staring at each other as wht to say now as shireen phupo jst turned pale nd then red cz of anger building inside her she jst grabbed her abaya nd said " let's go Roshan (her only son)  we have to drop them its my responsibility as i got them here ". Yeah yeah only pick nd drop responsibility yeahh right wht abt treating ur nieces nice way ohh yeah that wasn't her merely responsibility i thought nd rolled my eyes. Door bell rung as we all curious that who was it at this time phupo opened door nd she stand still at the door for a minute as we all got tensed that who was it. And lookk he was none other than shahveer bhai phupo's son in law at door he didn't even greeted her nd wht he said next was hard to digest for phupo. " Where is suhana plzz call her " was all he said when i heard my name i was shocked why is he calling me? whtt now  ? Thoughts rumbling in my mind as i got at door asking " yes shahveer bhai?" " Here take it its ur bag u forget it at my house" handing me my bag " ohh yeah i jst forgotten thank you" i said nd step back inside as i got inside i sighed in relief i dnt knw why that but i jst sighed there is something i feel when im near him woahhh wht m i even thinking i shrugged my head to brush off all these thoughts Amna came md asked " wht was shahveer bhai saying ?" She has so interest in everything i rolled my eyes at her nd said " naah nthng he is jst here to hand me my bag as i forgot it at his house ". As shahveer bhai handed me bag she jst started his bike and im seconds he was out of sight nd shireen phupo was still standing there like a mannequin like she jst saw a monster. Rameen asked "wht happened maa why r u standing here ?"
" He didn't even greeted me he jst handed bag to suhana nd leave whts wid him as not mother in law im his aunt as well why is like that wid me?" She asked in aggression as she was really angry wid wht shahveer bhai did ...

After reaching home i greeted my parents nd they greeted back i then took a quick shower nd curled up in the bed rewinding  today's later events happened at zayna's house wht shahveer bhai did then suddenly at the mention of shahveer Bhai's name a quick shudder got down to my spine not knowing whts happening nd why its happening only in the mention of shahveer Bhai's name while thinking i dozed off to sleep cz was tired ......

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