chapter six : i cant accept him

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Suhana's pov

Everything was going fine nd well allhamdullillah since shahveer Bhai's eldest bhabhi komal met my mom in family gathering they were close frnds nd she has such a good nature she then started telling something fishy to mom as she said "shahveer is not interested in zayna as he wants to marry other girl but this quratulain(shahveer's bhabhi) nd fareeha (shahveer's younger sis)forced him in this relation wid zayna me nd my husband nd shahveer are on the side nd fareeha nd quratulain are on the other they jst forced shahveer to be in this relation but he's not willing nd not happy " my mom nodded in confusion as she dnt even knw wht to say "ummm okayy okayyy ..  everything will ne fine in shaa Allah" my mom said with a smile
As my mom went back to home she didn't shared it wid me then aftr some days i met amna hamna ( they both knws every news of the khandan nd are very interested in every khandan's affair) they said " Hey suhana u knw wht shahveer bhai wasn't interested in getting fixed wid zayna he had talked wid komal bhabhi she was saying he was forced frm his sister nd bhabhi to get fixed wid zayna she was saying that komal bhabhi furqan bhai nd shahveer bhai were at one side nd quratulain api nd fareeha api was at other side u know what furqan bhai komal bhabhi nd shahveer bhai were considered at ur proposal for shahveer bhai as fareeha nd quratulain api were at zayna's proposal " they explained when i heard my name all in it i stopped them "waitt waitt waitt whaaatt u sayin shahveer bhai was at who's side???" I asked them in a terrible tone "ummm they were looking more interested for ur proposal for shahveer bhai and honestly shahveer bhai was also considering u more" i dnt want to believe wht i jst heard  "umm okayy i dnt care btw " i said hesitantly showing no care to this matter but deep down i was shocked dnt knw why im thinking why is this happening
Amna waved her hand infront of my face sayingg heyy when i got back to my senses frm my thoughts i said "umm yeah wht were u saying i didn't hear u well" i said still lost in my thoughts they said "naah nthng we jst letting u knw all abt this cz you've been so concerned abt zayna why is she not happy cz she is forced too" as i shook my head in agreement to them " gotta go now its late will meet again in shaa Allah" as i bid them bye nd make my way through stairs to my floor
As i reached to my floor i saw mom sitting in lounge as i approached her nd get myself sitted beside her on the couch
Why is everything being like that so that's the connection i always find shahveer bhai staring at me is he interested in me?? Is he forced into all this ?? But why that? He is mature enough to get back to it nd show his thoughts . But its all like that or m i jst over thinking things yeah yeah these all are just rumours
As mom clears her throat breaking me from my thoughts and said  " where r u gone in thoughts so much wht r u even thinking?" Mom asked making questioning face while i jst smiled to her saying  "no no ntng im alright im jst sleepy i guess i should sleep by now u dnt care there's nothing " i smiled to assure her that there's nothing wrong
As i got to my bed all those sentences grumbled in my mind again
Shahveer bhai is interested in u nd he is forced into this engagement he is more concerned on ur proposal
These words of amna and hamna got replayed again nd again in my mind
But lastly my sleep took over me nd i slept in the coziness of my bed
The next day all seems to be in routine as i got to school nd brought back it was my last matric year of school nd i was a pretty sad for leaving it .
At last i matriculated from school i joined frst year as time passes by i got busy in my life forgetting the chapter of shahveer bhai
One day zayna's family came nd we all cousins sitting in Amna's room having chit chat as everyone was teasing zayna frm shahveer bhai as she jst rolling her eyes over us saying " whtsoever r u all done wid this now or elsee something to do" in a serious tone as we all shutted up nd hamna spoke breaking the silence " heyy wht abt we gurls do a sleepover wht say" her eyes twinkled at the thought so as ours as we all replied why not but where?? Zayna said wht abt our house frowning her brows in excitement as we said yeah sure that's a great idea so we all rused to our parents asking permission for going there as we all granted permissions we all headed towards zayna's car as we bid goodbye . We got there at abt twelve at night nd we all get into the bed sitting nd talking as we all again started teasing zayna she got serious nd sad together as we asked wht happened yrr we r jst teasing u no nthng more as she mumbled " i dnt want to get teased wid his name i dnt like him either as its been an year since i got fixed with him but i hadn't accepted him frm my heart nor frm my mind im jst forced into all this nd im not left wid any option but to agree to this but im trying to accept it but i can't i jst can't this is torturing " a tear escaped from  her eye  immediately wiping the tear  as her mom walks in .

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