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I looked at all of them one last time.

We were at the graduation party. It was held in a club, and the others were having the time of their lives, Warbler style. With the lights flashing, loud music and grinding going on, I realized something. 

I don't belong here. 

Not after everything I did. 

I observed them from where I was sitting, a safe distance away from all the 'dancing'. 

I looked at Blaine, Kurt, Nick, Jeff...

All the things I did to them in the past year flashed in front of my eyes. 

Looking back on it, I'm not sure I deserve their forgiveness. 

I'm not even gay, yet I lied to them so that they wouldn't bully me.

Dalton Academy was a prestigious school. 

For boys. 

Naturally, most of them were gays. 

I lied to fit in at this 'prestigious' Dalton Academy. 

When Hunter Clarington showed up, I was jealous of him as he didn't see the need to lie to everyone about his sexuality.

That made me look at the one person who received all of my perverted comments, the person whom I almost blinded. The person whose life I almost destroyed, by trying to take him away from something, or rather someone, that meant the world to him. 

I looked at Blaine again.

It happened a long time ago. Yet, all I see when I look at his face is me throwing that Slushie on his face.

Which is why I don't belong here. 

I'm sorry guys. 

I'm so sorry...

"Goodbye," I whispered into the dim club, "See you guys in another lifetime."

I then proceeded to walk away, picking up the bags I packed and took a deep breath. 



With that, Barry Allen came back. 

And Sebastian Smythe was locked away. 

Hopefully, for good.

Barry Allen, whose life is with Iris and Joe West. The nerdy, dorky and nice Barry Allen, the son of Henry and Nora Allen.

Barry Allen, who was buried under the lies and rude comments, during my time at the Daltons.

The boy who is known as the son who witnessed his Father murder his Mother. 

The boy who was bullied. 

The boy who was always too slow or too late.

It was time for him to return.

"Welcome back, Allen."

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