Chapter 9

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Maybe I should tell them separately.

Or maybe if I tell them all together, I'll have a chance of coming back alive.

I couldn't decide. 

This was a life or death situation, literally.

But apparently, my feet have developed their own mind. 

With all the running I do, it wasn't that surprising. 

They took me straight to STAR Labs, where Iris was waiting for me with Cisco and Caitlin.

"Sebastian? Where are we going? Are you going to kill us?" Nick asked.

"No, Nick." I rolled my eyes. "And please, don't call me Sebastian. Call me Barry."

"Why?" asked Blaine.

"Cause that's my name now." I told them.

"Why did you change your name?" Jeff gasped. "You ARE wanted by the FBI, aren't you?"

I stopped walking, getting annoyed by his pointless accusations.

"Shut up Jeff." I snapped at him. "I already told you I'll explain everything."

They stared at me.

"I'm -" I started to apologize but was suddenly cut off by Kurt when he grinned and said, "There's the Criminal Chipmunk we know and love."

"Yeah." Nick and Jeff agreed, "It was starting to feel weird. You've become so polite that it's creepy."

"What?" I frowned at them.

Blaine laughed and put his arms around my shoulder and started dragging me away from them and said, "Come on Seb- err Barry. Don't mind them. They just missed you."

Missed me?

"Did you?" I suddenly wanted to know. 

"What?" He asked.

"Miss me." I continued, peering into his eyes.

"Of course I did Seb. That's a stupid question. Why wouldn't I miss you?"

"Because....I thought-" I stumbled upon my words, not sure how to respond to him. So instead, I just smiled and said, "Thank you, Blaine."

"Anytime, Captain."

I chuckled, "I'm not the Captain anymore, Killer. And don't call me Seb."

"Roger that, Captain."

I grinned at him and said, "I've missed you too, Blaine."

"Are you guys done?" asked Kurt.

I smirked at him and teasingly asked, "What? Jealous?"

He rolled his eyes and showed me his wedding ring. "You never stood a chance, Fievel."

"Whatever, Glinda."

"Don't call-." I interrupted him and called out to the guys. "Come on guys, let's go."

"Are we close to this 'Lab' you mentioned?" asked Jeff, when we resumed walking again.

"Almost. Just a few more blocks."


I planted a huge fake grin on my face, dramatically held up my hands and said, "Yeah. Here we are. The legendary STAR Labs. "


I've made up my mind. If this doesn't work, I'll change the timeline.

Again, just kidding.

Or am I?

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