Chapter 6

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We both sighed out of relief as we were done with the interview.

She just asked me a bunch of random questions and I gave her random answers.

She spent a little more time on her laptop, editing, while I sipped my coffee.

After she was done, she closed her laptop and pushed it aside.

I suddenly felt nervous.

This is Iris we're talking about. She can be scary when she wants to be, and she looked particularly scary right now.

"Now," she began, folding her hands on the table and asked, "Mind telling what that was about?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said, taking care that neither my voice nor my expression gave nothing away and took another long sip out off my coffee.

She looked at me suspiciously, and I suddenly felt very, very uncomfortable. I tried not to show it. I hope it worked.

'In due time, I promise.'

"THERE! There! Do you see him? That is Sebastian right? Please tell me I'm not hallucinating."

I stiffened again at the sound of Kurt's voice and Iris narrowed her eyes.

"Oh I see him alright. And I think you're right. Come on guys, let's go have a little chat."

Was that...was that Blaine?!

No way!

I can't believe it!

I felt all sorts of emotions on hearing his voice again. 

Happiness, sadness, regret...but most of all, confusion.

And no, I'm not gay.

What, in the name of everything that is scientific, were they doing here?

Wait....The Musical!! 

They surely wouldn't travel all the way to Central City just to see a Musical right?

Damn it! Why now?!

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