Chapter 2

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The smell of coffee drifted into my nose as I walked into CC Jitters.

I had promised Iris an interview as the Flash to put in her blog, because it's better than having her risk her life out there trying to get a story.

I looked around and found her sitting at our usual place, typing away in her laptop, ignoring the world around her. 

Typical Iris.


"Barry! Finally! You're here." She said, looking up at me. "I'm impressed. Even with your Flash speed you STILL manage to show up late." She smiled at me, her usual 'I can smile brighter than the sun' smile with amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Ha Ha. You're hilarious. " I said, returning her smile with a sarcastic one. "Let's get this interview done and over with."

"Oh wow! No need to sound so enthusiastic."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Wait for a while. I have to get my coffee. I need some energy before going through with this.""

"Come on, it's not that bad." She said. I made a face at her. She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, why didn't you get it when you came in?"

I smiled sheepishly. I had been busy with other, more important things, like admiring her from afar. But she doesn't need to know that now, does she?

I wonder if she will ever feel the same way about me the way I feel for her. I wonder if she'll ever feel the butterflies in her stomach whenever she sees me, like I do when I see her.

If she will ever just look at me and see me, not just as 'Barry Allen, my best friend' but as 'Barry Allen, potential date candidate.'

Yeah, I'm pathetic. Being in love with a girl for a long time does that to you.


I blinked at her. "Wha-oh! Um...I just...uh...I'll go get my coffee. "

"Bare? Are you alright?" She asked, concern reflecting in her eyes. 

I smiled at her. "Yeah, Iris. I'm fine. I was just distracted."

And that was the truth.

"By what? Is it something to do with what happened...?" She asked.

I quickly shook my head. "No no. This has nothing to do with that. Besides, that's in the past. I'm alright now."

"Then what is it?" 

The correct answer would be You. But that's not something I can tell her.

I chuckled. "I'm alright, Iris. I promise. This is nothing serious."


She still gave me a small but concerned smile. "Okay. But you do know you can talk to me, right?"

"Of course. Don't worry. I know where to find you." I winked at her.

I cringed inwardly. Seriously?! That's the best I could come up with?

I got a small laugh out of her. Though I think she was just laughing to make me feel better.

Which just made me feel grumpy.

I wonder if she knows how she makes me feel just by flashing (no pun intended) a small smile at me.

I smiled at her and went to get my coffee.

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