Chapter 12

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I pretended like this was completely normal, which it probably was and shrugged it off by saying, "I created a different part of me and gave it a name. Sebastian."

"So Sebastian is like your snix?" asked Blaine.

"No...Not my snix. Just me saying a lot of things I shouldn't."

Kurt snorted and muttered, "Understatement of the century."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Get over it, Hummel."

"Snix?" asked Iris. "What's that?" 

"It's like, an alternate personality, I suppose." answered Blaine.

"Oh, I see." She said. Then she looked at me and asked, "Anything else you want to add?"


I couldn't understand the emotions on her face. Was she hurt or confused?

"He was in a Glee Club." Added Blaine, trying to be helpful.

Cisco burst out laughing.

"He was in a what now?" He asked, in between laughs, "A Glee Club?"

"Actually, that I can believe." Said Caitlin.

Iris and a sobered up Cisco looked at her, bewildered.

She smiled sheepishly and asked Cisco, "Remember when you told me that I 'had no life'?"

"Yes...?" Cisco said carefully.

"Well, I went to a Karaoke Bar that night." She then paused for a moment and said, "With Barry."

"No freaking way!" Cisco exclaimed.

Caitlin slowly nodded her head, grinned like a Cheshire cat and said, "Yes way. We sang Summer Nights."

"We?" Iris raised her eyebrows.

"Yup." Caitlin confirmed.

Iris then smiled and shook her head as if she couldn't believe it. "Gee. And I called myself his best friend."

"Iris-" I started but was cut off when Nick and Jeff started wheezing, literally.

"Dude! Summer nights?! Seriously?" Nick said, and they burst into another round of laughter. "What a coincidence."

I shrugged and started to smile myself when I realized what they were referring to.

"Huh. Never thought about that." I said.

"Never thought about what?" asked Caitlin, curiously.

I shared a secret smile with the guys and grinned at her. "Nothing." 

"Oh come on!" exclaimed Cisco.

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