Chapter 4

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What do I do?

Who was it?

He or she must be from McKinley or Daltons. There is no way anyone in Central City could have found out about Sebastian.

I forced myself to relax.

On second thought, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only Sebastian in this world. More or less in this city. The person must be calling someone else named Sebastian. Even if the person is calling me, I'm Barry now. Not Sebastian.

That's it, Barry. Calm down. 


I'm ignoring you. 

Go away, please, whoever you are.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stiffened again. Now, there is no way that the person is calling someone else.

Please don't do this. Not now! I'm not ready to have a blast from my past.

Which is ironic considering the fact that I have traveled back to the past, multiple times. 

This must be Karma.

I slowly turned around to see the person. There is a chance this person is someone who recently joined McKinley or Daltons or is just someone who has heard all about Sebastian Smythe, but never met in person.

Please don't be someone I know. Please don't be-


Of course.

It just had to be old Betty White.


That's the third time. What's wrong with him? Has he gone mad? 

Looking into his wide Glasz colored eyes which were blinking at me, I concluded that he could possibly be mad.

My throat suddenly felt very, very dry.

I took a deep breath, swallowed painfully, and opened my mouth.

"Are you talking to me?"

That just came out of my mouth. Those were not the words I was thinking of, I swear!

Kurt blinked.



Then he said, "Hold on for a sec."

Then he ran back.

I was frozen.

I literally couldn't move except for blinking my eyes.

I had no idea what I should do.

Maybe I could pretend like I have no idea what he's talking about.

I don't know him, Sebastian knows him, but Sebastian doesn't exist.

At least, not in this world.

At least, till I find another way to throw him off track, of course.

Or till I find the courage to tell everyone the truth.

Maybe he'll believe me when I say that I'm just Barry Allen, a man who looks exactly like someone he knew from high school, the boy who tried to steal his boyfriend and almost made said boyfriend blind.

"Excuse me? Do you want a coffee or not?"

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