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It was a busy day in CC Jitters. I mean, this line is long. I'm not sure if I can wait that long, especially with my speed.

"Excuse moi?"

I was interrupted from my thoughts, by a man who looked to be in his late thirties. He was shorter than me by an inch or so, and had light brown hair and eyes. He was wearing a white turtle-neck shirt with a blue tweed jacket and a beret.


Just to be clear, I had no idea who he was.

The man just gave me a small smile, "My name is Gabriel. I'm here on a tour with my family and friends. I want to know if zer is a coffee shop around here zat is not zis busy." He said, with a slight French accent.

"Umm...yeah, yes, of course."


"There is one but it's a bit far from here." I continued, "But I'm telling you, there is no coffee like the coffee here at CC Jitters. If you want to have the full Central City experience, you HAVE drink the coffee here. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait."

My mind was finally catching up with what was happening.

I was advertising CC Jitters. What did I reduce myself into?

And also, he's a tourist.

Of course.

I completely forgot about the tourists.

There is a musical of some sort happening here at central city and people from all around the world are coming to watch it.

Musical, huh? 

Brings back old memories.

Of me.

On stage.

The lights flashing, people dancing and singing along, the adrenaline....

'Warblers! Warblers!'

I snapped back into attention when I realized that Gabriel was still talking, "-Ow, but zis is taking too long and we are in a hurry. We've only been here for a day and we have a lot to zee."

"Papa!" A little girl who looked to be about five years screamed and the man looked back and shouted, "Coming, mon Cher!"

He looked back at me and sighed.

"Look, the line is already moving and if you and your-" I glanced at the little girl and the tall, beautiful women standing next to her, "- family could wait a few moments I'm sure you'll see what I mean. But if you really have to go, then the other coffee shop is fifteen minutes from here. You'll have to go by a bus or some sort of vehicle."

He sighed and said, "Zat will take even more time. I shall wait zen."

I gave him an awkward smile and introduced myself.

"My name is Barry."

"Thank you, Bazzy. See you around." He said, giving me a small nod and walked back to his family, waving at me in the process.

" name is Barry, not Bazzy!"

Well alright. 

That wasn't weird at all.

As if by some magical magnetic force, I looked at Iris to see that she was already looking at me, so I did the thing I always seemed to be doing around her.

I smiled.

She mouthed the words 'What was that?' at me, her eyes wide and curious.

I shrugged at her.

She rolled her eyes at me with a small shake of her head, muttering something under her breath and went back to typing in her laptop.

I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face as I turned around either.

Man, I had it bad.

I was glad to see that there were only a few people left and started to give myself a pep talk, earning weird looks from everyone.

"Only three more people left. I can do this. Come on Barry. Just three more-"


My eyes widened and I stiffened.

"-Oh crap."

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