love war pt 2

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  i woke up  so i can go meet up with mir  ( outfit in mm  ) i got in my car  and drove to the mall  and went to zoomies and got some thrasher shirts , then i went to hot toppic and got some shirts cuz they shii  actualy  poppin  to so then i payed  when i was walking out  i got a call i lookeed at the caller id ... it was mosey  i answered the phone 

mosey; aye where the fuck you at 

me; nigga dont yell at me  ,you aint my damn daddy fuck you mean 

mosey; thats  not what you was saying two nights ago .

me; aww boo you thought that was real its called faking it  look it up 

mosey; what ever you wasnt fakin shii , where you at 

me;  ughhhh im at the mall 

mosey; why 

me; cuz  i am got a problem 

mosey; you better not be meeting that nigga nahmir 

me; and if i was 


me; oh so its okay for you to have a side but i cant have a bun 

mosey; a bun 

me; back up nigga b.u.n , im not doing this over the phone  bye .

i hung up and then i called nahmir he answered and asked where i was i told him im by the food court  we met up and we  went shopping we had a  blass .

time skip( 8:00 ) 

the mall was closing and we were wating for glizzy to come pick up mir but he was tacking his sweet time so i just said ill drop him off  we were  in my car when i notice that there was a black s.u.v following .

me;aye mir  there is someone following us 


me; its cool stay calm i got us ..  go in the glove capartment and get my gun 

mir; gun why you got a gun ma

me; i gotta protect myself 

mir; but if you had a real nigga you wouldnt have to protect yo self . if you was with ME you wouldnt need a gun .

  i know i was blush  but did i care i grabbed my gun  while we was at the light and  made sure it was fully loaded it was and i  took it of of safety 

  this is the gun ^^^^^^^^^ i pulled over and took of my seat belt ,  the person got out and walked over to my side of the car then bang bang bang and everything went black 

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  this is the gun ^^^^^^^^^ i pulled over and took of my seat belt ,  the person got out and walked over to my side of the car then bang bang bang and everything went black 

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