sad rant 😪

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So yeah um I was dating this boy who I really fucking liked ... (Not gonna say love cuhs I got some bad blood with that word ) and yeah I lost him y'all like he isn't dead but our relationship is wich sucks cuhs I really did "like " him but hey shit happens , he told me he wouldn't hurt me and I didn't even dream of hurting him yet he did . he hurt me 8 times.  and I should've been dropped him but like I said I couldn't . I tried blood I really fucking did but this nigga just wouldn't let me in . maybe he scared of a real relationship maybe its not me maybe its him .but I can't push myself to believe it all I see in him is perfection and he don't see me like that . I feel beyond stupid but imma try to get over it.deep down I NEVER believed he loved me like he said he did , I knew it was a lie but I was hoping it was the truth which it wasnt I'm done with it , him boys allat shit Imma just focus on me right now I told him I want him to have a nice life but I honestly don't , I want him to hurt like he hurt me to cry like he made me cry to feel every single ounce of pain he made me feel but then again I dont . ion know im lost but imma do what I do best and thug I out like I normally do imma just stay to myself smoke weed listen to music and chill I might come back but I dont know - see u when I see u

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