stop playing with me pt2

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 Its been three weeks and  lathan hasnt even tried to talk to me , i mean i guess its my fault , maybe i shouldnt have told him maybe i should have kept it inside  but no i HAAAD to tell him , fuck my life . so here i am in my bed listening to music , my mom came in  a few hours ago asking if i was okay . i guess she thinks im sad  , well i sure the hell aint happy  , i told my crush i  liked him and he said its not his problem , my mom knocked on my door and asked AGAIN if i was okay ,

mom ; bebe esta  bien ( baby are you okay ) 

me; yes ma , im cool 

mom; okay ,  you have a visitor , 

me; who ever it is  tell them to go away . 

i got up cus i need to get out the house so i went and put on a light green shirt and black jeans  and my light green and black jordans  i put my hair in a bun and went  and got my phone i put my earphones in and went to my music , what in xxxtarnation started playing .  i walked to  the  mall and went to shoe palace ,   i got three pare of js and 1 pare of  nike , then this light skinned boy walked in and he looked at me smiling , im not mean so i  smiled back , he smiled  and waved hella fast , so i waved back , im so damn nice , he walked up to me and  we started to talk.  after a few hours of talking we exchanged numbers he gave me a ride home .  i was finna get out when  he  grabbed my hand .  we hugged and i told him to call me after he get home. he kissed my fourhead and i smiled . i got out noticing someone sitting on my front step . i got closer  and saw someone i didnt wanna see , at all . 

me; what do you want    L 

mosey; who was dat , 

me; dont worry about it , 

mosey; how one minute  you telling me you like me an then you with some new nigga , 

me;  so im supossed to sit around and wait for you to catch feeling for me , no and like i said dont worry about him , 

mosey;  you dont have to sit and wait , .... because i already have feeling for you, 

me; . problem 

 i walked into my room and turned on my phone  seeing i got a text saying 

???; i got home safe lil mama 

me; who dis again  lol

???; for real 

me; no   i know who this is 

???; then who is this 

 me;this is jefferey

???; and this is good bye 

me; no im playing this is lamelo 

??? nope 

me; okay im sorry .

me; i dont even know a jefferey 

me; melo 


 me; your mean 

melo; okay hahaha . 

 we stayed up and talked form 8:00 to 12:52pm   i guess there are better and bigger fish in the sea .

 the end 

 another imagine will be published tomorrow   i think ion know .............

558 words .1/20/2019 11:53pm 

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