act up

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I'm in my bed listening to music and ignoring lathan cuz he was talking real slick a few hours ago .

Me: real ass bitch give a fuck bout a nigga big berkin bag hoe  five six figures stripes on my ass so he call this pussy tiger fucking on this scamming rich as nigga .
My  ear pods get ripped out my ear  . I look up to a laughing  mosey . (Me): what .(mosey):   you singing out loud babe . 😂😂 (me): so .
I put the pod back in my ear and press play then I get up  . I felt a slap on my ass . I look behind me and glare at mosey. (Mosey):  my bad its just hella big. 😂😍😍  I grab my water off the counter and sit back down . mosey  gets out of the chair  I slap  his ass so hard .  he look at me with a mad expression  . his face got  red  he looked like a potato .(me): what its just Hella big .  he jumped on top of me and started to play fight me I was throwing punched and I kicked him off me he gor back up and slapped me . I acted like it hurt i started to cry .😭😭 (mosey): baby I'm sorry  (me ) : owe you swore you'd never hit me .😭😭😭  .  he hugged me and I pushed him off I got on top of him and pinned his arms down . (me): haha I win . (mosey ) your a cheater.  I hate you .(me): no you don't you luuuuuuuuve me baby boy and u know it .  Mosey : u right .

The rest of the night was filled with us kissing hugging  watching movies and other couple shit 😂😂

Okay y'all im sorry I have been inactive  but I got writers block plus I'm Hella busy with life RN . but ima try to  write more

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