try again boo

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 i dont wanna be here " i told my friend kayla  .  she brought me to this party  that her friend is throwing she know i just got out of a relationship with that booboo head ass nigga mosey   he stay lying  saying he hangin out with his "friends"   . but last time i check he had only guy friends not female  friends  , but i must  have amnesia or some shit ....... noooooooooot   . but anyway this bitch had me in  7 inch heels  and a short black and blue dress . got me looking like i should be on the street  corner . nut i do look good ,  i had  like three drinks  of some soda i think it was spiked tho . but my favorite song came on ( drop your weapon )  i went to the dance floor   and started dancing   twerking and all  , when the song was over  i felt a hand on my waist i looked behind me and there was a cute lightskin  all up on me , he had waves  too he was looking mighty smexy  boo , 

me; umm  can i help you 

him; yeah , were you learn to dance like dat mamas 

everything was looking fine until this nigga smiled he was missing a tooth . like a whole ass tooth , 

me; um ion know i just do , 

him; well  you should dance on me some more . 

me; yeah im good ,

him; the fuck you mean bitch 

me; hold up who the fuck you calling a bitch , bitch ass  nigga . dont get fucked up  now 

him; bitch you wont do shit  

me; shut up pussy ass  lil boy wit yo missing tooth having ass . look like you can fit a whole ass school bus between dem shits , bitch 

him; man fuck you hoe 

  i  slapped the shit out of him cuz moma didnt raise no hoe or no punk so im not finna be called one either , 

him; bitch 

he slapped me back  but i stay strapped wo i grabbed my other bsf  her name is cinthia  aka my switchblade   i cut his face , and he screamed . 

me; now you have a scar to go with it , 

everyone was looking at me and kayla came and grabbed my arm dragging me out side  before the door closed i saw  mosey  and some red hair bitch all boo'ed up  he saw me look and i shook my head   cant trust no one man fuck everybody . 

make some requests yall damn dont be inactive  ill start posting every  month on the 15 and 20th  aight ,  peace out 

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