fake friends

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( this will be based on a true story)

I woke up to my mom screaming at me to wake up my little sisters for online school , so I did , I then went to jumped in the shower and washed my body ,{ I'm 16 btw } I then got out and put on my underwear . I looked in the mirror and saw that my eye brows were now looking like black hairy caterpillars so I trimmed them , I liked how they looked so I showed my older sister mariah,
Me: " hey look what I did " 
I said thinking she would compliment me
Her: "girl stop , your not grown"
Me: "stop telling me what to do , your not my mom 🙄"
Her: "you know what I dont care , u do what the fuck u want . trim your eye brows be a whore for crack for cocaine 😡🤬"
Me: what ? How tf is me triming my eye brows gonna make me do allat ?
Her:* starts screaming *
Me * ignores her and walks in my room *
Me : "wow my own sister just called me a whore 😔 that hurts hella "

My sister left for about 4 hours and I  started cleaning up the living room . then she came home . my little sisters went out side with her as she rolled a wood , they played in the front yard . they kept the front door open so I closed it and locked it , then then started banging on the door which made me mad so I grabbed a spray bottle and sprayed one of em with water . it got in her eyes and she started screaming
Her: *😫😫🙈🙈🙈*
Me*😶😳😳😬* oops *🤡*
My older sister " y/n what the hell , keep your hands to your self .. 
Me: well technically I ain't touch her. 
Her: I don't give a fuck !!! Keep em to your self .
Me: yeah what eva ma
I started back cleaning and a few minutes passed until my other little sister came and grabbed a big bottle of water threw it at me . so it got on me , the carpet , the wall and the hard wood floor 🙄. So I grabbed a near by bowl and threw it at her ankle 😏
Her ankle: *clunk *
Her: aaaaaaaaaaaah 😭😭😭 *screaming bloody murder*
My older sister:  I told u to keep your hands to your self, you dont listen , wheres the bat.
Me : oh fuck nooooo ."
I ran to my room and tried to close the door but she busted in and hit me with a broom  .
. now I have mad anger issues , so I hit her back . we started to fight . I pulled out her lace front . and broke some of my nails ,
Then she left 🤔😑
  I called my mom and told her I'm leaving and  cause this mother fucker got me fucked up , she said shes gonna call her and talk to her but I was already calling my "friend" to come pick me up , which she said she couldn't . but she said she has a friend in my city who I can chill with.  I said okay  give me his number . she did . fast forward we link.  His name is lathan btw 😀. We became good friends but I low key like him .

Two months later , me and him are on the phone but the conversation Is dry
Me : this conversation is dry asf  12:00pm
Him : I bet I can make u wet tho 😏12:01 pm  me : 😶😶 12:02pm

4 hours later were flirting ,
We started hanging out even more , and that day . we linked and I introduce him too my " friend " mayla .
We went to the neighborhood park and I swung on the swing while smoking a wax pen and I didnt know it but they were flirting at the time 😔😔

Later on that night  me and him was walking and he asked me what I would do if he kissed him , I said I would kiss him back so he kissed me and we started to make out , we went to this side of the church that was dark ( I know I'm going to hell) and we started making out , then hr started to finger me .... ( that shit felt magical 🌟🌟🌠⭐)
We did this a couple more times .
Me not knowing he didnt want a relationship with me , he even started dating my friend at some point which made me mad and we fell off , I didnt talk to them both ....

Therapist: that's good they both are toxic mr y/n , you need a better friend
Me: I'm not done
Therapist : oh I'm sorry . please continue

I didnt talk to them for days , then weeks , then months , until he contacted me and apologized .....
We started to hang out more and even hooked up . this time he had me limping ☺☺ .   he told me he didn't realy like mayla , he only likes her for her weed 😐 which I told her , she said she dont care she likes me 😶😶 which surprised me . and I told him . he said he already knew 😑 but then he said he was going to go to sleep so he will call me back.  I said okay. 

Mayla told me yesterday they went to sleep on the phone together 😔😔 I honestly dont even know what to do .

Sorry if this story makes no sense .

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