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  im in the car driving to mosey cuz i miss him , while he just got on the tour bus ,  i fr miss my baby , im hella horny and moody all the time , like fr  if he dont bring his fine ass home ima end up pleasing my self , but then he gonna get mad .     , i live by myself  and i have my own car and apartment and i have a job , im only 16 but i like being independent ( i used the song to spell dat  lol ,) i hate having to depend on someone , ion even like when  mosey  buy me things , cuh what if we break up he gonna want it back , thats why me and him argue everytime he wanna spoil me , like i get it  im yo girl ,  but no im not like most girls ,  he was tellin me how  he want to take me to the most expensive restruant and how he wants to buy me clothes but im not finna  let him  buy me nothing , not finna catch me slippin , so i told him ill see you later and he was like ...... ya aight , okay  blue face ,  then i saw someone in the back ground  come and hug him from the side , she put ha ugly ass in the camera smirked and then  kissed his cheek , like do this burnt bisscut ass bitch  not know who the fuck i am , she must wanna get , cut 

 me; aye yo bitch watch yo crusty ass lips , 

girl; bitch mind you bee's wax hoe

 me; aight bitch , bet   yo ugly ass gonna come up  missing one day  if you keep fucking with the wrong  people 

girl; bitch you not finna do shit .  

 me; fr aight  keep playing hoe , you messing with the wrong one . 

 i pulled up to the venue and walked in  i waited for mosey to walk in and once he did i saw that bitch  walk  in behind him , now me being the extra petty queen bitch i am i walked over to mosey and  made out with him , im not talking about no we finna make out make out , im talking about  some we finna make a baby make out  , every body was   dog whistling and shit  ,  he pulled away cuh he need air , i could of went on for another five minutes but i guess he need to  breath so ,.  i looked over my shoulder and this bitch was hella pressed ,  i walked pass her and this bitch  pulled my hair , my mother fucking hair bitch , she tried to drag me but i planted my feet  on the ground ,  she looked at me then punched me in the stomach ,  she grabbed her hands  and held them tight  cuh i have rock hard abs , ( yeah i dont  lol )   i smirked and looked up , i grabbed my hair  put it in a high pony tail and   looked her deep in  her soul , she  was hella scared  ,  "my turn " i said , i   side kicked her in the chest ,  i ran up to her and then  punched her in the face then i  grabbed her hair  wrapped it around my fist and  slam her face into the  wall , blood gushed out her  nose an mouth then i picked her up and body slammed her ,  i heard someone scream my name i looked but couldnt  see nobody , i heard it again then BOOM 

 i woke up to my moms screaming my name 

 mom; y/n get yo ass up now , you finna be late ,  for school 

i sat up putting my hand on my side , i lifted my shirt to see a big fresh bruise and  i looked at my wrist and hand and saw her hair print , wtf happen , i had my clothes on from last night ,  was it all a dream , i got up and notice a scratch under my eye ,  damn what happen 

  so yall guess what yah girl not single any more , ayyyyyyyye   i wasnt lonley on valentines day either ,   sorry i was inactive alot has happen ,  but here yah go im not dead plus i have to write more songs and shit ,  bye for now 

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