mine is mines request

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Mosey has been out side for about an hour talking to some females . I trust him. But ion trust his new friend kyle .
I'm sitting in mosey room watching stranger things and kyle was looking at me like I'm some food . he kept getting closer to me , 
Kyle: so Wat's up with you ma .
Me: Umm nun much can you move a little bit .
Kyle: I'm not even that close ,
Me: yeah you kinda are .
Kyle kissed my neck and I push him off of me  ,  
Kyle" dont act like you dont like it . he grabbed my thigh with one hand and with  his other hand he pushes his way towards my belt buckle .
Me : stop ! Stop it  please ! 
He keeps kissing me and biting me and grabbing my boobs . I feel so dirty unbuckles my belt and in hooked my pants . I'm fighting with him to stop while screaming for lathan .
His hands go into my pants and I feel his fingers insert my area .
Me: LATHAN !!!!!!!! 
  I hear feet and feel a slap on my face . kyle: shut the fuck up bitch .you know you want this dick
I close my eyes getting ready for the worst until I don't feel anything  instead i hear shuffling and punches landing . I open my eyes and see lathan on top of kyle beating the dog shit out of him  I get up and grab lathans arms and tell him to stop before he kills him .. Even tho deep down I want him to . but I don't want him to go to jail over me . 

Hours later mosey and me are in bed cuddle up and kyle has been booked into las angels jail on assault charges ,  lathan blames himself even after I tell him multiple times its not his fault .

Sorry this shii short but its 4 am and I'm tired asf . gn loves ❤ .... Okay ewww y'all look at this shit I wrote  talm bout some" loves " 😭😭😭

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