Chapter 4: Finally she's my girlfriend!

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As Stephen, Queenie and I we're laughing about what Stephen said someone walked up to us and sat next to me. Hmmm who could it be? I said in my head sarcasticly. 

"Hey baby" James said as he started playing with my hair. 

"Hands off Grey" I said as I slap his hand away then I heard him chuckle. what a Jerk! 

"What are you doing here bro?" asked Stephen. 

"Well I just wanted to tell my girlfriend" he said until I rudely interrupted. 

"I'm not your girlfriend" I said. 

"As I was saying I just wanted to tell LEAH" that's better "that she's invited to my party on saturday" James said while smirking. 

"I didn't know you're throwing a party" Stephen said. 

"Since when do you know anything about what i'm doing?" James said then Stephen looked down. 

"I'm not going" I said. 

"Babe if you didn't come i'll be embarrased by my friends" James said then I rolled my eyes. 

"So what?!" I said then James sighed. 

"Fine just so you won't be alone I'll invite Queenie and Stephen too" James said then I looked at him and smiled. 

"I'm okay with that" I said then James gave me 3 invitations. 

without me noticing he quickly stole a kiss from my cheek and left quickly. 

That is so gross! 

At The Party

"Wow" said Queenie as we entered the mansion. 

The Mansion was full of people, the music was loud you can hear it from the outside. Some people we're dancing crazy then dirty, some we're flirting with each other, some we're making out then some we're already passed out in one of the couches. 

Guys looked at us as we find an empty table for us to sit on. 

Queenie is wearing a black top with white pants while wearing black heels. I was wearing a white tank top, white shorts and a black leather jacket with black high leather boots. Fashonized my Queenie of course. 

After a while we found a table and sat down. 

I felt someone sat next to me then put his arm around my shoulders. Oh my God he's here. I said in my thoughts sarcasticly.

"Good to see you here baby, you look so fine tonight" he said as he started kissing my neck. Ew!

I pushed him off. "I'm not here for you Grey" I said then I rolled my eyes when I heard him chuckle. 

"Too bad because i'm here for you" he said with a smirk. What a prick!

"Can you just leave us alone?" I asked and he just smiled. 

"No can do" James said then I groaned. 

"Why not?" I asked as I looked at him mad.

"Because its my party" he said. He has a point. 

I rolled my eyes and looked at the front door then I saw the most handsome guy I have ever met. 

I locked eyes with him as he started walking up to our table. 

He smiled then I started to get nervous. 

"James" he said with an Australian accent. Oh My! 

James stood up mad "What are you doing here Josh?" James asked with fire in his eyes. 

I stood up and grabbed a hold of James' arm stopping him "James" I said as I looked at him. 

"I just wanted to see you James" Josh said. 

"Now what makes you think that I want to see you Josh?" James asked as his face hardened with anger. 

"I don't know" Josh said as he looked down. 

"Maybe you should just leave" James said. 

Josh was about to leave but I spoke up before he could. 

"Wait Josh" I said then I looked at James. 

"Why are you so mad at Josh James?!" I asked then he looked at me. 

"You wanna know why I hate so much?" he asked then I nodded. 

"He stole everything from me! He stole my dad's attention that was supposed to be mine, He stole my place as president of our company, He stole my brothers AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF HE STOLE MY GIRLFRIEND!" James yelled making all the people look at James. 

"James I didn't stole Hannah from you she was the one who came up to me!" Josh said making James more angrier. 

"Hannah is not like that! I should've know it right from the start that you had feelings for Hannah but I choosed to ignore it! Then after, what like a month, I caught you kissing her! Josh I excepted you as my step-brother and this is how you repay me?! BY STEALING YOUR STEP-BROTHER'S GIRLFRIEND?! WOW THAT IS SO LOW! AND NOW THAT HANNAH IS GONE YOU WANNA STEAL MY NEW GIRLFRIEND TOO?! WELL TOO BAD BECAUSE SHE'S ONLY MINE!" James yelled then he quickly grabbed my face then kissed me. 

OH MY GOD! What do I do? Maybe I should just act, you know. so James won't be embarrased. 

He pulled away harsly then looked at Josh. 

"Leave and never come back!" James said as he pointed at the door. 

Josh backed away then left the Mansion. 

"EVERYONE GET OUT!" James yelled then everyone left. 

James sat on the couch with his elbows in his knees and head on his hands. 

I sat down next to James and rubbed his back. 

"James?" I said but he didn't respond. 

After a minute he spoke up. "You know what's funny?" He said. 

"I was about to pop up the question that day when I caught her cheating" James said then I nodded. 

"I'm such an scardy cat. I can't even tell the girl I love that I have been in love with her since the first day at freshmen year. I just stalk her with flowers, teddy bears and notes" James said then I got confused. 

"Do you wanna know who your secret admirer is?" James asked then I nodded slowly. 

"It's me. All this time it was just me. I - I didn't wanna ruin my reputation because of what will happened but now I just don't care anymore. Leah I love you" James said and I am shocked!

James Nathaniel Grey is IN LOVE WITH ME?! OH MY GOD!

"I -I" I sturred not knowing what to say. 

"Leah will you be my girlfriend?" James asked as I just looked at him shocked. 

Since freshmen year I actually kinda liked James a little but when I knew his personality my crush for him just kinda flew off of the roof. but now that James told me he liked me since freshmen year I can't help but answer his question. 

"Yes" I said with a smile. 

"I would love to be your girlfriend James" I said then I kissed him making him kiss back. 

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