Chapter 18

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Should I believe him?

Should I listen to what my heart is saying again?

Because in this moment I knew he has me in the palm on his hand again.

My mind keeps telling me i'm only gonna get hurt again and it would make me feel more dissapointed in myself after but my heart says otherwise. Love is all about sacrifices and being hurt but in the end it will always lead to something good.

But there are just some times when it ends bad and that's when we know that maybe it wasn't for you. Maybe it was just some kind of trial so the next time you love, you know what to do.

And that whats scares me. I don't wanna be heart broken again but I can't help but fall in love with James again and again. There will come a day when I can finally make up my mind about him and his question but right now, I can't think about it.

Because I know the answer will just hurt me more than reality.

We've been in Australia for about 3 months now and as always it feels weird being roomed with your ex-boyfriend slash the boy who's still trying to get me back.

My brothers always contact me day and night asking if I was okay or if James tried something that will make them kill him but my answers are just the same.

"I'm fine here"

"No, there's no need for you guys to kill him. He hasn't done anything that'll make you guys blow your guns at him"

Sometimes I just wish my life was simple. No people like Queenie hating me because in her opinion I get everything, No brothers that leaves you every 6 months in a year and especially no James that can complicate it more.

I woke up by the sound of our alarm and the sound of my phone ringing. I grabbed my iPhone and clicked accept at the call.

"Hello?" I said with a still tired voice.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SIS!!!!" said Channing that made me take the phone far from my ear to not cause ear drum destruction.

"Channing, come on I don't wanna have my ear drum broken" I said with an annoyed voice.

He laughed. "Sorry little sis, I just couldn't help myself" he said.

"Is it November 23 already?" I asked then I looked at James' side of the bed and saw his bed made. I frowned.

"Hey sis, are you still there?" Channing asked then I quickly answered a yeah.

"Well, we will send our gifts to you later this afternoon so be prepared alright?" said Channing then I said "Yeah" then I ended the call.

I sat up from the bed then put my feet down on the ground and felt something boxy on my feet. I looked down and saw a purple square box in the slippers.

I grabbed the box and opened the card stuck in it. I opened the box and gasped when I saw a silver necklace and a gold bracelet that has my name on it.

I opened the card and read the note aloud:

Dear Leah,

 Happy Birthday. I bought you these gifts as a token of appreciation when you came with me to the carnival and my sorry gift for hurting you're fragile heart. I wanna say sorry for all I did for you and I know this won't change anything. I'm not expecting anything but I do hope I could get your forgiveness.

 With much love and care for you,

 James, AKA the heart breaker of Leah Stewart's heart.

P.S. You look like an angel when you sleep.

I smiled at James' small note. Maybe taking him back won't be so bad.

It's been a week since we won the national championships. James and I basically have been inseparable for that time and I think I still have feelings for him. I might have fallen in love with him again. I haven't been at school for a week since my brothers wanted me to travel the world with them.

I walked towards my locker and opened it. Hundreds of notes fell from my locker mixed with red roses. The same ones James used to send me when he was still my secret admirer.

Maybe he really wanted me back.

I sat down on the floor and grabbed one note. I have no classes for 3 periods so I better start reading.

I opened one note and read. It was dated the time when I caught James cheating on me.

Dear Leah,

It seems like you found yourself a boyfriend. Well, I wouldn't blame you. I heard that you liked James since freshmen year. I was kinda starting to give up on you but then I started realizing, if I really do love you? I'll wait for you.

Love, Your secret admirer.

What the hell?! I grabbed another note and read it.

Dear Leah,

I heard that you and your boyfriend, James, broke up. I'm sorry, but you know that inside I'm happy he did. Because now, I finally have a chance to be with you. Well, if you really know me.

XOX Your secret admirer.

No. I grabbed another note.

Dear Leah,

I heard you we're announced as one of the girls to perform at the National Championship. I'm so proud of you. I'm starting to love you more. :)

XOX Your secret admirer.

I grabbed another one and it was dated when James and I became a couple.

Dear Leah,

I'm heartbroken. I really am. I just lost my chance on being with you and I'm sorry that I'm such a loser. But, I want you to know that I'm happy for you. I just want to warn you.

I overheard James and Rebecca plans. Rebecca started noticing the notes and roses that I always send you and since James is always bugging you she thought of a plan to really ruin your life.

She had James pretend to be me and make you fall for him and break your heart the moment you we're into deep.

I'm sorry that you had to find out this way.


Your REAL secret admirer.

I placed the note down. What?! So all the things James said we're all lies? Tears started streaming down my face as I remember all of the things James said.

"Hey Leah" someone said that caused me to look up. I saw James frown as he saw me crying.

"Why are you crying?" asked James. I stood up, mad while holding the note.

"Is this true?" I asked then I threw him the note.

He began reading it then his eyes widen. He looked at me. "Leah. I..." said James.

"So it is true. You really weren't my admirer in the first place. That, I was just bait for Rebecca to catch up a good revenge for something I don't know! And to think I was gonna to fall for you again" I said then I grabbed my bag from the floor and ran off.

Who is my secret admirer?


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