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Before we continue, know that I do not own this song, lyrics or music. 

This is What About Us? By Pink

I just thought it fit in so well with this chapter. 




Alone. The word itself can bring even the toughest of men into tears. All alone, with no one to take care of you, help you...

Love you

In that moment, the moment where Nightstreak had found out, she was alone once again, it had crushed her, hurt her more than even the hardest blows, or deepest cuts. In that one moment, when her nightmare became reality, when the world turned it's back on her, she had felt her spark crack in two. 

"Knockout..." She whimpered over and over again, hoping, praying, that the spirits would hear her pleads, that for once, someone  would hear her. 

Like Knockout had. 

The only sound she heard was the whistle of the wind, and the faint splashing of the river. 

"I should go back, I should go look for him." She whispered. However, no matter how hard she tried, how much her spark willed her to go, she couldn't move. She was too pain-stricken to move. Listening to the soft rustling of the field, she remembered a song, one she used to sing to herself every night, to try and soften her spark. It had been a song so special to her sire and carrier, the reason they had met, it had an impact on her, one so great, it could calm even the largest of fires. She took a deep breath. 

"We are searchlights, we can see in the dark." She sang, her voice melting away into the wind. 

"We are rockets, pointed up at the stars."

"We are billions of beautiful hearts."

"And you sold us down the river too far."

Her voice chocked on the word "River." Her mind wandered to Knockout, and she poured all that emotion into the song. 

"What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers?"

"What about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters?"

"What about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster?" 

"What about love..." She choked on the word again. 

"What about trust?"

"What about us?"  She broke into tears, and collapsed. "Knockout."


Only Primus knows what it was. An inexplicable force, so full of love, of compassion, of spark, flew over a field of grass, down the face of a cliff, through a maze of trees, and straight into Knockout's spark. It hit him, hard. He tore his optics from the golden metal, and looked around. 

Nightstreak was alive, he could feel it. His spark was fluttering once again. He didn't know how, or why he knew, he could just feel it. Along with that feeling, came a song, and song he had heard once before on the radio. He hadn't really payed it any attention then, but he somehow knew the words. Somehow, that song could lead him to her. 

To Nightstreak. 

As he listened for any other sign, he heard a note. It came with the wind, so faint, hardly able to be heard, but he knew it was there. And he recognized the voice. 

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