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-Toni's POV-
There's only been four weeks since classes started again and I already feel like I'm going to drop out. I thought by sophomore year I'd be used to this but nope, not quite.

It was a cool Thursday morning, the sky was slightly grey and people moved about in routine. There was never anything unique going on. We go to class during the week, study, cry, then party on the weekend, thus being a never ending cycle.

I longed for some sort of excitement and with it being the end of September and Halloween around the corner, I'm hoping maybe this spooky season will lift my spirits.

"Hey Topaz, what's up?" Veronica, my best friend, said walking towards me. "Daydreaming again?"

I chuckled. "And what would I be daydreaming about?" We were standing in the dining hall, students bustling around us to get food.

"I don't know? Finally getting laid?" Veronica said. "I know you're on this whole, "'I don't do hookups'" thing but c'mon. You haven't had a girlfriend or boyfriend in almost a year, there's got to be cobwebs down there."

I laughed because she was right. My love life had been particularly uneventful, college students don't like to commit and never take relationships seriously.

"I don't care if I'm single til I graduate, everyone in this place is a bag of dicks. I want a serious relationship, not some bs," I said shrugging my shoulders. We walked up towards the line to get our food.

"Okay well why don't you look in an older pool of people?" She asked and I looked confused. "I know! The Senior Gala!"

"The what now?" I asked grabbing a bowl of soup and slice of baguette.

"The Senior Gala, it's like this really exclusive party, invite only, thrown by the seniors like as soon as Autumn starts. It's a black and white event," Veronica said excitedly, she grabbed a deli sandwich and baked potato chips.

"Okay and you think they're just going to let us in?"

"You leave getting in to me honey, you have three days to find a gown," We sat down at a table and she immediately pulled out her phone, typing away.

I rolled my eyes. Do I really want to be the sophomore that crashed the Senior Gala? I already have bad luck in the love department, there goes the friend department too.

"What's going on ladies?" I heard and turned around only to find Jughead and Sweet Pea approaching us.

"I'm getting Toni and I into the gala on Sunday," Veronica says, not even looking up from her phone.

"Ooh Topaz is going to finally tap some ass?" Sweet Pea said mockingly.

"I give it twenty minutes til you're both kicked out. Toni doesn't fit into high society, they'll spot her a mile away," Jughead said shoving a burger in his mouth.

"Excuse me? I can be classy!" I defended.

"No dear, you can't. But you do have potential which is why I'm going to coach you," Veronica said excitedly. "Meet me at my room after your 2pm class and we'll get started. Also you should call Amy about a dress, I know she has plenty."

"You know I only call my foster mom once a month," I rolled my eyes, calling her more than that means lectures about how I'm a disappointment and should be more girly and find a boyfriend. "Fine, whatever I'll call her later."

"Yes! Boys you're going too, find some tuxes. I gotta go make some calls," Veronica stood up and left us three at the table.

"I have my tux from senior prom," Jughead said finishing his french fries.

"You'd think considering how much you eat you would've grown since then," Sweet Pea says. "I can get a tux from my cousin."

"Are we really going to do this guys? You don't even like fancy parties," I said. I had a feeling that things weren't going to work out in our favor with this gala, call me pessimistic.

"If going to this gala is going to get you out of your room and in someone else's then I'm all for it," Jughead said and Sweet Pea agreed. I rolled my eyes, groaning. I might as well suck it up and try to look on the bright side. It beats going to another party where all everyone does is smoke, drink, and hook up with strangers.

-Cheryl's POV-
"Alright ladies and gents, the gala is three days away. What does this mean for us?" I asked.

"We have an excuse to dress up?" Betty said.

"No, fresh meat. Every year this gala rolls around and we use it as the perfect disguise to seduce the half-witted and desperate creatures they call college students," I said.

"What if your mom hears about us feeding at school events again?" Archie asked.

"Do I look like I give a shit about what Penelope thinks?" I said and he shrugged, knowing that I do whatever I want in regards to us. Us as in my brothers and sisters, Archie, Betty, Josie, Kevin, and Reggie.

"So how are we doing this? Inconspicuous or center of attention? I need to know what I'm about to wear, y'all know college boys love to stare," Josie said. She sat on a recliner filing her nails. On the couch was Kevin, Archie, and Betty. Reggie was on the floor doing push ups.

"We're keeping a low profile. Black and white, fangs hidden, this isn't a halloween party so we can't pass them off."

"Are you going to find you some arm candy, Cheryl? You've been single for a while," Kevin asked. I rolled my eyes, this was always a reoccurring topic of discussion.

"That's because she killed her last boyfriend," Reggie said finishing his push ups. He was such a gym rat.

"No, No, I politely tried to come out to him and he had the nerve to get mad at me. If he had just nicely accepted that I'm a lesbian he wouldn't have been sucked dry," I shrugged.

"Until you find someone you know your mom is going to keep sending guys over. Better get to looking, you can't kill everyone," Archie said and everyone nodded in agreement. I sighed knowing he was right, soon enough I would have a major role in our society. My mother would be stepping down on the royal council and I was to take her place, which I can't do without a mate.

"Ugh, fine whatever, I guess I can scour for a potential mate while I search for my prey. Now leave me alone, I'm going to rest," I said shooing then away. I climbed the steps of our lavish house, just a few miles from the college campus. As exchange students, we were allowed to stay off campus and we rarely even were on campus, almost all of our classes were online or hybrid classes.

My room was the biggest room at the end of the hall. The entire room was black and red, very victorian themed. Thick drapes and curtains covered the windows allowing the room to be immersed in darkness, even though it was around 2 in the afternoon.

Lying on my bed I thought about how nice it would actually be to have a girlfriend, a mate. Someone to share this dark life with, one that I although enjoy, sometimes wish that I could be like humans.

My mother would laugh if she ever heard me say something like that. She despises humans and thinks I'm not strong willed enough to be on the council, she can kiss my ass though.

I closed my eyes, dreaming about meeting someone worthwhile.


A/N: lmao y'all are in for a treat, this book is about to be the most FILTHY thing I've ever written so you are warned :)

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