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-Cheryl's POV-

"Then don't."

Those words woke up something inside of me. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom, a big smile on her face the entire way. The walls were red and black, the curtains dark, and a self portrait hung just above my bed, which was suspended from the ceiling.

My mind was running a mile a minute, controlling myself proving to be very difficult. I knew my eyes were pitch black, but instead of scaring the woman, like it would most others, it seemed to have the opposite affect.

I placed her to her feet near the end of my bed. My hands cupped her face, her sharp jaw underneath my fingertips. Surprisingly she connected our lips, molding them together roughly, as if she couldn't wait to taste me. I removed my hands from her face and she began taking off my suit, her hands attached to my jacket. My jacket went first, and as she unbuttoned my shirt, I palmed at her backside, earning a low moan from the woman.

"I can't get enough of you," I gasped, both of us breathing heavily as I separated our lips. Once I felt my shirt slide off my body to the floor, I spun her around quickly. I began to unzip her dress slowly, leaving open-mouthed kisses down her spine. Goosebumps arise on her skin as I slowly pushed the dress off her shoulders, the fabric pooling at her feet.

I took this opportunity to remove my shoes and pants, as she stepped out of her dress and removed her heels and jewelry. As soon as she turned around, I swooped her up in arms, her legs wrapping around my waist and arms around my neck.

She giggled softly making me smile as I sat on the bed with her in my lap. I was now just looking at her beauty, wondering what I should do.

She looked at me confusingly, "Why'd you stop?"

"I-," I've never been nervous before, what's wrong with me? "Toni, I have to show you something. I don't want you to think differently of me, but I must be honest with you."

"Okay..." She had a genuine look of concern on her face, but was curious nonetheless.

I kissed her lips deeply, then her jaw, and finally stopped at her neck. I hesitated slightly, before taking a deep breath. My canine teeth slowly grew into fangs and I attached my lips to her throat, the sharp teeth tearing her skin and sinking into her flesh. Her eyes fluttered shut and she moaned loudly.

"Mmmm, Cher," She gasps and her eyes roll to the back of her head as I drink deeply. I feel her hips start to move against me and my strong hands grab her behind, squeezing her cheeks.

"Please, Oh my god," Her hips move faster and her fingers scratch at my back. I can feel her wetness dripping onto my thighs, turning me on as well. I longed to make love to her, but something told me to wait, to see if she even still wanted me.

She was grinding on me at a fast pace now, her breaths shallow and harsh. She was practically panting.

"Cher, I-I'm...fuck, gonna come," She gasped and I began guiding her hips, her wetness smearing across my thighs and lower stomach. She screams quietly, her hips jerking and arms clinging to me like her life depended on it. I removed my mouth from her skin as she tried to catch her breath, her body slowing to a stop.

"Ch-Cheryl? What..." She tried to speak, but never finished the sentence. Her eyes shut and she collapsed in my arms, fast asleep. I smiled, kissing her forehead, before laying back against the headboard and pulling the blankets over us, letting her rest.


-Toni's POV-

My eyes fluttered open after what felt like days. My body was loose as I raised my head up to find myself wrapped around a pale body, beautiful brown eyes looking back at me.

"Oh my fuck!" I yelled and immediately jumped up from my lap. I was still in my lingerie, but now I had a large t shirt covering my body and a bandaid on my neck. She had on a sports bra and shorts, looking at me wearily. She moved towards me but I put my hands up.

"Stop, what the fuck happened?! How long have I been asleep?" I asked frantically. "What the fuck was that? I- Oh my god."

"Please calm down, allow me to explain what happened," She says calmly.

"Okay explain! Now!" I yelled at her and she frowns, making me instantly regret yelling at her.

"Well, you were only asleep a few hours. I didn't know if you wanted to be covered or not so I put a shirt on you.." She says softly.

"Okay and? Before that? What was that?" I say crossing my arms. She sighs deeply and stands up. With her mouth open, her teeth instantly grow, revealing fangs. I clasp my fingers over my mouth in shock. "Oh my fucking...wait timeout, a Vampire? Please tell me this is a joke."

"Did it feel like a joke?" She smirked and I wanted to slap that smug look off her face.

"Did you drink my blood?! I should fucking kill you, I didn't give you permission to do that. What the hell?!" I yelled at her, I was joe pushing on her chest and she let me.

"I didn't know how to tell you about this so I just showed you. I'm sorry, Toni," She says sadly, looking like a little puppy. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to wrap my head around this. A vampire? Out of all things?

"Toni, I'm sorry I drank from you without your permission. It won't happen again. I just wanted to be honest with you before anything went any further. You awaken something in me that I can't explain, that I don't understand, and it scares me. You're the first human to ever make me feel like this and I want to be able to explain what I am to you before you just go running off," She says and I immediately feel sorry for going off on her. This seems like the first time she's ever been vulnerable and looks scared of me, ironically.

"I'm sorry for yelling, I was just scared and very confused, I still am," I said walking back towards her. She sat back down and I stood between her legs, her hands stroking the sides of my body, instantly making me feel warm and safe.

"I know it's a lot to process. Yes I'm a vampire, we don't really use the term but that's what I am and so are my friends, the ones you saw at the gala. I need you to understand that this has never happened before, when I feed, I feed and discard of it, period. I control whether the victim feels pain or pleasure, usually it's pain, but in this case, it was pleasure, as you could see," She smirked and I hit her on the shoulder.

"Nonetheless, you're still losing blood, which is why you were so tired afterwards. I didn't take enough to harm you though, so you'll be fine. I knew I couldn't have sex with you though."

"Why?" I ask in curiosity.

"Me, I am basically super human. I'm stronger, faster, and have much more stamina. I don't need sleep and rarely tire out, meaning I could last for hours and hours. But with this also comes a stronger sense of desire and lust, which can be hard to control. And I...I don't want to hurt you."

"This is starting to sound like some twilight bullshit," I say rolling my eyes.

"It's the truth, I was using every fiber in my being to restrain myself earlier. I wanted to be as gentle as possible." I smiled at this. Despite everything, one thing I know is true is that she really does care, which is more than I can say for humans, let alone a vampire.

"That's very sweet of you. Thank you also for taking care of me. Um but what do I do about this?" I ask pointing to the bandaid on my neck.

"Don't worry, it will close up in an hour or so and it'll be like it was never there. Would you like me to make you some food before I take you home?" She asks standing up now. I nod slowly and she smiles, leaving a kiss on my forehead. I watched her leave the room to walk to the kitchen, admiring her backside the entire time. A vampire? Am I really considering this? I shrug my shoulders and sit up. I should be fine.


A Simple Question // Choni AUWhere stories live. Discover now