Chapter 1

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It is a normal saturday night in Beacon Hills. Derek and stiles Are on a small diner outside town on a date, for the frist time in months. Derek ordered a salat and a big Coke, as go for Stiles he ordered a big plate of curly fries, and a burger plus a large Coke. Derek watched horrified as Stiles demolish the burger without mercy, but laughed when Stiles was choking on some curly fries he didn't had chewed at All. Stiles sent Derek a death glare, that he had laughed at his near death experieance. But gave up becurse No one could beat Derek, in a glare compation. Stiles let out a sigh before leaning aginst his boyfriends strong, and firm shoulder, Derek let out a small chuckle before giving the younger Boy, a Kiss on the forhead. It was perfect just as Derek had imagend it would be sitting with the love of his life, doing nothing but love him to the end of time. He had sworn to him self that nothing, Will harm the young Boy as long as he lived, well it seemed that someone wanted to test that. His Phone let out a buzz noice that made Stiles jump a bit, before glaring the shit out of Derek's Phone for ruin the moment. Derek let out an small laugh, before turning his attention to his phone. The thing he found was desturping, it was a picture of him and Stiles, here at the diner but from another table. Derek looked around at the direction that the picture, seemed to be taken from but there was nothing. He looked back at his Phone and saw, it was an unknown number. He looked at Stiles and saw the Boy still eating his fries like nothing had happened. But Derek saw it as a sign of danger, that someone had target him or his mate. He Quickly took Stiles by the hand, and ran out of the diner with a very annoyed Stiles yelling about not finishing his fries. Derek knew he had to explain but now Stiles' safety was All he could think off.

"Derek what the fuck was that!"

Derek could hear that Stiles was annoyed, by the sudden change of plans.

" Stiles i explain latter, right now we have leave."

Stiles looked at Derek, and saw, that his eyes were blood red and fangs was allready showing. Derek hit the gas, and drove way over the speed limit.

" how bad is from 1-10."

Derek let out a low growl, before taking a sharp turn. Tires screaming for mercy as they took another sharp and sudden turn.

" i dont know but its seemes that they have a surden interesst in us."

Derek said still not taking his eyes of the road, he passed his Phone to Stiles showing him the messege. Stiles let out a loud and suprised gasp, as he saw the photo.

"eeew they saw us eating, thats sick who does that."

Derek didn't respond as he was focused, on the road ahead of him. His hands was cluched around the stering wheel in a tight grip. He could hear that the younger Boy was thinking, he always made a little clicky noice when he was thinking. Then Stiles let a gasp as he had an, idea or some solution to the Whole mess.

" Derek what if it is an omega?"

Derek looked at Stiles, his red eyes rekaxed a bit but didn't turn back to their normal, forrest green that he knew Stiles loved.

"that does sound reasonable, but the only quostion remaning is, why?

Stiles went back to his thinking proces, to find a answer to the new quostion that he was met by. Derek returned his gaze back on the road, as he hit the gas to go Even faster. They made some turns before, they were back at the hale house.

Stiles looked at Derek who's eyes still was red, and teeth scraping his lips as the hold at the stering, wheel tightend Even more. Stiles softly put his lips aginst, the Alpha's lips. He could feel Derek relax, and his fangs grow back. So when he pulled away he saw 2 forrest green, eyes shining back at Stiles. He felt Derek pull him closer into an tight embrace, so tight that he could hear the Alpha's heart beat. A rumble in the Alpha's chest vibrated, All of Stiles' body when he talked to him.

" i just want to keep you safe, No matter what the price is."

Stiles looked up in Derek's eyes, and gave him a smile.

" I know you Will. I love you Derek."

They sat in the car for over 30 minuttes, until they went inside and informed Scott about, the new threat To Them.

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