Chapter 4

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Stiles could feel a pounding in his head, as he opened his eyes to see, the place where he is. He was defently not on the school, and surdenly not at the Hale house. The floor was cold and there was almost No light, in there and there was a smell of something dying. As his eyes had adjusted Them to the wired lighting, he could see that he was in some sort of secret layer. He looked around to see what there was in the layer, but there was nothing besides him. He looked at his hands to see that he was chained to the wall, with chains that looks like not Even werewolves can break. He discoverd he was only wering those jeans he had put on this morning, but that he was shirtless. He could feel the cold wrap around him as a freezing ice blanket, trying to make him into a snowman. He could feel his wrists starting to itch but when he tried to scratch it, it would give him a painfull jolt of pain so he didn't scratch it Anymore. He sat there and looked around the room, shaking of the cold air and by something colder, the fear. He Was scared that he was never going to se his dad agian or Scott but worst of All, what if didn't get to see Derek agian, what if he didn't get to do All the things they promised to do with their lives. He had promised Derek that he would be All he ever wanted, that he would one day be an old man by his side regreting nothing. But now it was imposible, Stiles knew that he was gonna get killed, that his life would end by the age of 18. Stiles looked into the ground and let a tear fall down at the cold cement floor, regreting that he didn't tell Derek how much he loves him. Stiles looked up, when a door opened with a rusty screach. Out of the door walked Ethan and Aiden with another Guy. his hair was a greasy Brown color, and he had an old jacket on, he had a pair of sunglasses on and a hand on one of the twins' firm shoulder. As they walked closer a ice cold smile came across his lips, shining with nothing more more than pure evil. He was now right in front of Stiles but still looking out in the air, Stiles lifted one of his eyebrows as one of the twins, came with a chair and a little table besidde it. Stiles could feel that his heart beat was picking up speed, and that there was a twich in one of his arms. The Guy with the sunglasses let out an cold and brutal laugh, as he sniffed in the air as if it was cocaine. Stiles would bet All his money that the Guy was a werewolf, and that he could hear Stiles' heart beat and smell the fear, that Stiles was sure was radiating All over his body. As the cold man stopped laughing, a Stone face rolled down his face and Stiles knew, that this Guy wasn't just looking for a good laugh. Even if Stiles had figured out that the man was blind, he could still feel an intense gaze on him. Then the man began to speak, and it sent chils down Stiles' spine through his body like electeicety.

"so you Are Stiles Stilinski, the Boy Who run with wolves, the one that is the mate to the hale survivor, and as I May say the Boy wich blood floods with 99% sarcasm."

Stiles looked at the man like he was mentaly ill.

" yes thats me, now that we got that why wont you tell me Who the hell you Are, and what on earth am i doing here."

The man let out another freezing laugh, that basicly could turn Water to solid ice.

" im Deucalion, and My titel is on top, i am the Alpha amongst Alphas. I am the end of the Hale pack."

Stiles gullped down as he literly heard that the blind man infront of him was saying he was going to kill Derek. There was a lot of things Stiles could let pass but not that, No one is threatning the life of his sourwolf.

" well then i Will hate to disapoint you but Derek, is going to be the end of you, becurse unlike you Derek is not a blind pice of shit."

The man let out a growl as his fangs was begining to show and that his nails Was allready, to slash the young Boys throat. Stiles could feel the gaze, becoming more voilent and cold.

" dont you get cocky with me you arrogant brat, i really dont want to kill you yet as fun as it Will be, but I have other plans with you." 

Stiles looked up to see that in the sunglasses, two pair of red eyes was bruning in fury and hate. He gullped agian and found the nerves to ask a question, that he really didn't want to hear the answer to.

"what is your "other plans" with me?"

Deucalion let out a huff before answering the question.

" i want information. I want information on your bad Boy mate, i want information that as you say would end this blind pice of shit."

Stiles' eyes widen as he heard that answer. He was suposed to tell him about Derek's weakness and strong sides, that monster he would nerver do that, he would rather die than let out information that could kill Derek.

" never i would nerver let you get that kind of information, i would rather walk straight trough hell than tell you anything about Derek."

An annoyed grimase came across Deucalion's face as he heard the answer, But he then let out a sigh and then a chuckle.

" then i guees that you have to be forced to tell. ETHAN. AIDEN!!" the yell on his to hot mindless dolls gave the room an echo.

" yes you Called sir." they both said at the same time, as they looked at the Alpha in the chair.

" you can play with Hales little human just dont kill him yet." Ethan and Aiden looked at each other with a sly smile, as they walked over to Stiles. As the foot steps left echo in the room, Stiles was absolutly paralyzed by pure fear.

"Time for some fun little guy." one of Them said. As one of Them walked behind Stiles the other twins let a hand rest on Stiles' chin. Stiles knew what was about to happen and, decided to bite after the werewolf's hand, earning a laugh from the twin. Stiles let out a scream as he felt two powerful hands, with claws Rip his jeans to shreads. Then a hand came crashing down with No mercy, on one of Stiles' butt cheeks earning another displeased scream from Stiles.

" we Are gonna have so much fun." the front twin whisperd into Stiles' left ear. Stiles then felt a unbearable sting of pain, as the twin behind him was begining to pound his ass, like he was humping a pice of Meat. Stiles let out a loud scream, before getting a fist in the face to shut him up. A tear fell down his cheek and landing on the floor, thinking that Derek would nerver forgive him after this. And then it All went Black.

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