Chapter 8: Gay Smut Warning

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Stiles woke up to a warm gentle breeze, stroking his chin. He opened his eyes, looking around in their huge bedroom on Aruba. It was perfect All was perfect. There was a pool with their huge beach house, plus a minibar. Stiles sat up in the bed, and looked down on the other side, of the bed where there was supposed to be a hot sexy sourwolf. Stiles looked around and saw Derek coming out of the bathroom, with a towel around his waist and a sly smile on his face, as he leaned against the frame of the bathroom door. Stiles looked back at Derek with the same smile, but the eyes on what was under the towel. With slow steps, Derek moved over to their bed and crawled into their bed giving Stiles a sexy and heated kiss. Stiles grinned into the kiss and threw his arms around the older man's neck.

"Well morning," Stiles said with a wider grin on his lips, as they continued their heated make-out session.

" Morning to you too babe," Derek said with his usual sexy sex voice. Derek slowly removed the towel, Exposing his semi-hard member. Stiles let his tongue dart over his, soft and slightly swollen lips. Derek took Stiles up in his arms in a Swift movement.

" You wanna join me? I feel so lonely in the shower."

A smirk came across Derek's perfect unshaven face, as he looked into a pair of lust-filled Brown eyes. Stiles let out a chuckle, before looking back at Derek.

" Only a fool would say No. So take me to the shower sexy Wolf. " Stiles smirked, as he wrapped his legs around Derek's waist. Derek let a lustful grin play on his lips, as he let a hand slide down on Stiles' perfect little butt cheek. Stiles let his arms Come around Derek's muscular neck, as they headed towards the bathroom.

Once they were in the bathroom, Stiles untangled his legs and got down on the cold tile floor. He let out a small whimper from the sudden temperature change. When he had got used to the floor temperature, he stripped down his boxers revealing his member, there were slightly smaller then Derek's. He turned around to see a full erect Derek, there had a hungry look in his eyes as if he was studying his prey. With a sly smile on his lips, he jumped back into Derek's arms, giving the werewolf a heated and enthusiastic kiss.

With Stiles in his arms, Derek made his way over to the shower. Without breaking the heated moment, Derek made a Swift move and turned on the shower, and steamy hot water poured down on their naked bodies. Stiles was about to get down on the floor, when Derek took a tight grip around Stiles' legs, signaling what he wanted to do. Stiles nodded and wrapped his legs tighter around the older man's waist.

" enough with the teasing Derek. Just take me already!" Derek let out a small chuckle before he gave a nod. Derek licked his lips, with the younger Boy as he slowly slided inside, the smaller Boy with ease. Stiles let out a satisfied moan and tighten the grip around Derek's neck, and dug his nails into the soft skin on Derek's back. Derek let out a small groan, as he began to move slowly when he was sure that Stiles had adjusted to his girth. But it seemed that starting slow, was not what Stiles had in mind.

" Come on Derek I know you can go faster." Derek looked back at Stiles and slammed into the young Boy hitting his prostate. A greedy groan Tore out the young Boys chest, as Derek continued to hit his prostate. They both were breathing heavy as Derek was No longer at normal human speed, but that didn't seem to bother Stiles, in fact, it seemed to turn him on even more. Stiles looked into the Forrest green eyes there were lost in the great pleasure they both were so lost in. Then Derek's thrusts began to be uneven and out of rhythm, and Stiles knew that Derek was close. Derek hit Stiles' prostate, one last time with All the strength he got left as he got sent over the edge.

Stiles could feel the warm liquid dripping out of Derek and sent fiercely into Stiles' inside. And that was enough to make Stiles see stars, and give him the relieving pleasure, that made him feel boneless.

They both collapsed down on the floor, panting for air as if they had just been running a marathon. Derek looked down at Stiles, with a huge smile on his face and pressed a Kiss on the Boys forehead.

"I love you so much. You know that right?" Derek said, still trying to get air inside his lungs.

" of course I know. I know becurse I love you more." Stiles said, with the same big smile on his face. Derek let out a small chuckle and pressed a light kiss on the young Boys lips.

"let's get cleaned up or else we Are never getting out," Derek said with a small laugh. Stiles gave a nod and got up on his feet. When he got up he wrapped his arms around the werewolf's torso and mumbled into his chest.

"I love you, Derek. Forever."

"I love you too Stiles. And I Will never stop loving you." Derek tighten the embrace and kissed Stiles on the head. And then he felt a little tear fall down Stiles'cheek, but it was a happy tear. For their love.

*hey everyone this is chapter 8. But there Are going to be a chapter 9. Hihi yeah, I didn't plan it but it did make more sense. So Hope you Guys Will stay tuned. And thanks for all the support. Love you All *

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