Chapter 9

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Its already 5 am but Derek is wide awake. He is currently making a Mountain, of Blueberry pancakes and most of them, is not to fill his, stomach. Ever since he and Stiles came to Aruba, they have done nothing more than "relax". But Derek had other plans than just sex. No Derek had made a Whole week stuffed with alone time. And Derek had a plan for a surprise for Stiles at the end of the week.

Stiles woke up, to the smell of delicious pancakes. With a movement, there was everyThing than elegant, he rolled out of bed. He first went out to the bathroom, where he tried to set his hair, without success. He then put on a plain white t-shirt, and not bothering putting pants on. He walked out, where he saw Derek in Black sweatpants, and without a shirt on. He moved closer to Derek, wrapping his arms around Derek's torso breathing in the werewolves sent. Derek normal smelled like cinnamon and oranges, with an after the scent of sweat.

Derek could feel Stiles' grip tighten, around his chest, and breathe in his scent. Derek let a grin play on his lips, as he flipped a pancake. Derek put the last pancake, on the Mountain of pancakes. He turned around, and pulled Stiles closer, with his hands on the Boys hips. He kissed Stiles, in a hot and smooth way.

"morning Honey." Derek said pulling away from the kiss. " pancakes?"

Stiles looked at his boyfriend with a large smile as he let out a chuckle.

"I think you know the answer."

Derek looked at Stiles as he ate his pancakes. Honestly, Derek had gotten used to the way, Stiles was eating, but he would still be asking himself if his boyfriend was human.

As they finished breakfast, Stiles got a pair of sports shorts on, and a t-shirt there said "Wi-Fi?" he got out where he saw Derek, with a large smile on his face.

"what do I have something in my teeth?" Stiles then began to pick his teeth. Derek let out a chuckle as he took Stiles' hands.

" No, you look gorgeous. I have actually made some plans for this trip soo you in?"

Stiles looked at Derek, first confused, then he smiled, showing his perfect white teeth.

" I would do anything as long it's with you "

Derek put his arms around Stiles and knew this was gonna be great.

5 days later.

This week had been amazing, just according to Derek's plan. The first day, they were out visiting a 1000-year-old Temple. Then they took a visit to a small Village, with a native People, that has been living in that Village for over 100.000 years. Derek had been amused seeing Stiles play with the children in the Village.

Then for the past days, they have been learning to surf. The teacher said that Derek was a born talent. But took Stiles literally blood sweat and a lot of swearwords before he got the basics.
They also this restaurant there had dancers and singers. Derek had seen Stiles admire one of the singers, there literally killed her version, of New York State Of Mind. After that night, Stiles has been teaching by that singer how to sing. At first, Stiles sounded like an old deaf man, there just had broken his arms, then after only one day, he sounded like Angels.

Even then Stiles still managed to surprise Derek, that he was actually learning to speak Dutch, Stiles said that it was Aruba's official language and that he loved learning new cultures to know.

After a Whole week of surfing, and exploring, they found themselves strolling down the beach hand in hand. Then they walked back to their house just to get changed. Derek drove the rental car to a fancy restaurant there were about an hour away from their house. On their way to the restaurant, Stiles' jumped his legs. When Stiles and Derek first got together, Stiles had told Derek about his serious struggle with ADHD, and that he sometimes was doing things without knowing. So Derek just let slide. As they pulled into the parking lot Derek opened Stiles' door and let him inside to their table.

" Thanks," Stiles said as Derek pulled his chair out for him.

" so what do you want?" Derek and Stiles took a look through the menu before ordering. Derek tug on a small lump in his pocket letting out a relieved sigh.

As Stiles began eating he noticed that Derek was looking a bit... Distant. He was not eating, and he kept his hands in his pocket, and Stiles could swear he had seen the crimson red in Derek's eyes.

" Something wrong?" Stiles tried to look into the Alpha's eyes, but Derek kept avoiding his gaze.

" Nope, everything is fine," Derek said as a Pearl of sweat Was trailing down his neck.

Derek kept acting wired on their way home and out of the blue Derek just said they should go for "a walk" whatever that means.

The sun was starting to set, throwing a perfect purple and orange light, across the clear ocean. Derek let go of Stiles' hand before turning around stranding face to face with Stiles.

" Stiles I love you. I'm not good at this but I have never done it before, so please have mercy."

Stiles let out a loud gasp as Derek got down on the ground standing on one knee.

" Stiles I knew there was something special about you, the first day I met you. You seemed to make, what once was a faded Shell of a man, to the person I am today. You Are the sun on My sky, and the time without you, was enough to make me see that I want to spend every day of My life with you."

Derek put his hand in his pocket, taking out a small indigo box, revealing a dashing diamond ring.

" Stiles Stilinski. Will you give me that honor of being my husband?"

Stiles Was about to cry, and All he could do was nod, and make some choking sounds that began to sound like sobs. Stiles felt like his legs were made of jello, becurse he fell down on his knees, wrapping his arms around Derek's neck, finally letting the tears he has been holding back run wild.

"I love you Derek." he choked out as Derek slid the ring on Stiles ring finger, making the Diamond capture one of the suns last beams of sunlight, making it shine.

There in the last beams of sunlight, two shades were holding each other, with a promise to love each other every day of their life. And they still do this day today.

*hey everybody thanks for reading this I am so so happy I never thought it would make 1K. This is sadly the last chapter but doesn't worry I have another idea to another fanfiction so hold on. But I'm so glad for you guys to support, thank you.*

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