Chapter 7

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Its now a week since Stiles' first disaperence, and it dont seem to stop. And that worries Derek a lot, he is afraid that he one day Stiles May not breathe when he findes him. Derek had at first understud that Stiles wanted some air, but now it seems like Stiles is runing. Not from Derek not from the city, from a Thing in his head that seems to couse him pain. Derek don't know what to do, and its feeling like he is pushing Stiles away from him. So what should he do? He could take Stiles to a therapist, but he knew that would not work considering the shit that had happened at the layer. Only an idiot would not know that Stiles have been trough some pretty hurtfull shit, so Nope a therapist is out of the picture. What about Scott? Stiles have always told Scott about his secrets. But No Derek coudn't do that, throw the problem to someone else, that would make Derek the worlds badest boyfriend ever. After 2 hours of failling plans that Derek knew would end with disasters, he was left with one option. Talk to him yourself. It seemed harmless and easy, but No not when its Stiles, it is dangerous and risky. Make a wrong move and you Are forever on the list of dismissed People. Derek knew that when you Are takling about serious stuff with Stiles (especially when its about emotions) you have to chose your words carefully. So now Derek was planing how, to talk to Stiles. He knew that it wouldn't make a difrence when they talked, it wouldn't make it less painfull for the both of Them. He know it is gonna get ugly, he know that its gonna be Hard, but its necessary to get the truth out. Derek feels guilty for not talking with Stiles, about it before. Derek know that Stiles probably don't want to talk about it, the way that he had been awfully quiet has been enough evidence. It killed Derek from the inside, he missed the sarcastic Boy, he missed his smile and the laugh that was its trusty partner. And Boy did he miss touching the Boy, he missed the way they used to sleep, the way they kissed but he missed the hugs the most. Damn the scumbags that had Hurt Stiles, he wished he could kill Them agian and agian, but the thought of Them burning in hell was enough to satisfy him. Derek was in the kitchen, getting ready to the painfull Thing that Was about to happen. Derek's senses was sharpened and focused on Stiles. He could hear the Boy upstairs getting clothes on, he could smell Stiles breath that smelled like toothpaste, he could smell that Stiles was useing his favorit deodorant. Damn this was gonna get Hard, it was gonna be the worst Thing to talk about, but it would help Stiles alot to talk about it. Derek flinched when he heard Stiles slowly, getting down the stairs and down into the kitchen. As he was about to walk out the door, Derek made a loud noise that caught Stiles' attention. Stiles looked at him confused at him with a hint of fear in his eyes. Derek was gonna hate himself for doing this, but he would hate himself Even more if he didn't.

"Stiles sit down."

Stiles walked shaking over to the table and sat down on the chair, across from Derek. Derek could hear the heart in Boys chest beating like crazy, he tried to ignorere it as much as posible. Derek looked down, not looking into Stiles' big Brown orbs of confusion. This was it, it was now or never.

" Stiles. What is going on, what happened to you. You know you can trust me, right?"

Stiles' shaking stopped, and Derek was sure he could hear that the young Boys heart skip a beat. Stiles looked down just like Derek, like the floor was suddenly really interesting. He let out a loud sigh, Derek could feel Stiles looking at him, Derek felt teribele like he had murderd someone. He could hear that Stiles' heart beat was.... Slowing down?

" Derek i trust you with My life. But you have to promise me one Thing, only one Thing."

Stiles' gaze burned into Derek's head, forcing Derek to look at Stiles. There was a scilent tear falling from the young Boys right eye. Derek noded in agreement.

"anything to for you. Anything and everything."

Stiles keept the intense gaze and let out a quivery breath, although his hands was shaking his heart beat was calm and steady. A small smile was on the Boys face for a second, before it faded agian.

" promise me that whatever i tell you, that whatever had happened, that you never leave me."

Derek's eyes widened at the things that Stiles just said. Why would he think that he would leave him? A life without Stiles to Derek, Was like a day without air, it was im posible. He knew that whatever Stiles was about to tell him, it was gonna have an impact, but nothing could scare Derek away. Ever since the disaster known as Kate, he knew that Stiles was a rare kind of human. The good in him was so pure, so beutiful. The difrence between him and Kate is enormous, Stiles was more human then her, more feelings. Derek shook the thought about Kate away, shes not worth the time. He looked at Stiles and gave him a small smile.

"nothing that you Will tell me, Will scare me away. I have waited what seems like a hundred years to be with you. I Will be damned if i lost you. So tell me what happened." Derek looked at Stiles, and saw a little blush form on his cheeks. It was the Best thing in the Whole damn world, and nothing could change Derek's feelings for this Boy. Not Even the past.

"ok here we go."

Stiles let out a scilent sigh and looked Derek into the eyes. Derek could hear his heart beat beggining to beat faster, Stiles was getting nervous, but Derek was not gonna let him stand alone agian. He took a hold around Stiles' left hand and squezed it softly. Stiles let a smile Come across his face, and squezed Derek's hand back. Derek could hear that Stiles was now completly calm, and ready to talk.

"well they wanted information, information on you. When i didn't give Them Any usefull information, they began to torture me." Stiles took a small break, and took a deep breath, as he tried to keep back the bad memories."but I got used to it, i bearly Even noticed if they did something. Yeah the torture was bad but it was not the worst Thing that happened."

Derek could feel himself holding his breath, he could feel a pit of anger agianst the monsters, that had Hurt his Stiles. But he ignorered the anger, and focused on the sound of Stiles' voice.

" the worst Thing was... It was... Huh.. The rape."

That was the last Thing Stiles said before breaking into tears. Derek saw the tears streaming down Stiles' face. It was heatbreaking. Derek rised from his chair and pulled Stiles into a tight embrace.

"d.. Dont l.. leave... I c.. can't l.. Live i.. If."

Stiles was choking between sobs but felt the embrace get tighter. He looked Derek and saw love, he saw acceptence. Stiles nuzzeled into Derek's shoulder and inhaled the scent. Derek looked down at Stiles and placed a Kiss on top of the Boys head.

" like i said before, nothing you Will say would scare me away, and I would be damned if i lost you. Yes i am mad, but its not you im mad on, it Will never be your fault."

Stiles let a tear fall down, into the soft fabric of Derek's t-shirt. The hug fell down to the floor. God Stiles had missed this, the touch of Derek, he had been so scared at the memories from the layer that he had made a shield. But now he could put that shield away.

"i really dont want to go to school these weeks, i want to catch up All the time we missed, i want to be alone with you."

Derek let out a chuckle, and placed another kiss on Stiles' head. He knew it was bad if Stiles missed school, but the idea Was to good to deny.

"what about we take a trip to Aruba?"

Derek had heard that Aruba was the Best place to be on vacation. Besides he had the money to go pretty much anywhere.

"that sounds Nice, i like that."

With that Stiles fell asleep, in Derek's embrace. Finaly Stiles could get some sleep. But before he fell fully asleep, looked at Derek with heavy eyes.

"I love you Derek."

And then Stiles fell into the land, of sleep and Dreams.

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