Chapter 2

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Its been three weeks since they have been at the diner, where they got the disturbing messege, from the unknown werewolf. After that every Thing has been normal, as it could in Beacon Hills. So Stiles was starting to get tired, of Derek's overprotective shit. He coudn't go anywhere unless he was with him. (he didn't mind spending so much time with Derek, but now it was just anoying. ) he wanted to have fun, and drive out on his own without Derek looking at him like he is going to get, his head ripped of any minnut. And that was what their fight was about right now.

" Derek look at me im fucking 18, i can get out in My own car without breaking every single bone in My body, im not a Child Who always need an adult."

Stiles didn't want to fight Derek, and he knew he was only doing it out of love, but he Was not so fragile that he can break into thousand Pices just by being outside the house for one minnute.

" would you stop acting like a Damn Child, the only Thing im doing is keeping you safe, from whatever is hunting you. Becurse you are unlike me not a werewolf with super healing Powers."

Derek hated when their argument always got Them into a fight. He loves Stiles, he dont want to fight him over this.

" then let me do something on My own, please Derek i cant stay with this, its like i have no freedom No privicy."

Derek looked at Stiles with a offended look, that Stiles saw him self as if he were a prisoner. But at the same time he understud, it but he cant just leave his love in a posabile state of danger.

" Stiles i understand but your safety is everyThing to me, if something happened to you i would blame myself, for not protecting you good enough."

Stiles gave a soft and playing smile to the older werewolf across, him he then leaned his head on Derek's chest, so he could hear the older mans heart. The heart beat was a bit out of rythem, becurse of the fight but relaxed when Stiles let a pleased noice.

" i know you just try to protect me, but there is a line between protective and overprotective, and we dont wanna cross that line where we both get tired and angry ok, so how about we catch a movie sourwolf."

Derek had gotten used to the exstreamly anoying nickname, so it didn't bother him that much and on, the bright side they both won this argument. Stiles broke the rutine and Derek was still protecting Stiles. Win, win.

" Thats sounds great." Derek said with a pleased voice, as he nuzzeled his nose into Stiles' hair.

"great then what do you want to watch?" Stiles let out a small moan at the work, Derek's nose did to his hair and how, freaking amazing it feelt.

"Whatever you want My love." Derek was now trailing kisses down Stiles' neck, drawing an pleased groan out the young Boys mouth.

"Well its Hard to decide between, sexy werewolf, or a movie so you have to chose ok sexywolf."

Derek let out a chuckle as he heard his other nickname, that was more his taste, becurse he had to admit he was not that bad looking. He then let a hand lock on Stiles' waist, and pulled him Even more tighter then he allready was. Stiles let out another yet louder moan, at the sudden touch but smiled as he, kissed the Alpha's soft lips. Derek let his tounge slide across Stiles' lower lip, asking for entrance and got in when Stiles gave him acsess, to Explore his mouth and All its mistery.

" i guees that means sexy werewolf then." Stiles said into the Kiss that got deeper and deeper. He could feel Derek's hands, grap around his ass and hit down with a Hard clash. Stiles let out a soft whimper, that made Derek go crazy as he could smell, All the lust there was in the air.

" shut up and lets go to the bedroom allready." Derek said with a grin on his face. Stiles jumped up in Derek's arms, wrapping his legs around the Alpha's waist, giving another breath taking Kiss that left Them hungry for more. Derek kept Stiles in his arms as they made their way, up the stairs into the bedroom. Derek let Stiles fall down on the soft Queen sized, bed as they continued making out. Stiles let his Grey T-shirt fall down on the floor, as he got attacked by another round of kisses by Derek's soft lips. He could feel Derek working on his jeans as Stiles him self was working on Derek's shirt. When Derek had litterely thrown his jeans, along with his own shirt and jeans on the floor, he let his tounge play with Stiles' nipple earning a gready moan from the younger Boy. They where so drunk by each others plesure, that they didn't look out the window where there where in the outline, off the forrest over four pair of red eyes glowing in furry and hunger.

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