Chapter 5

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Its been 2 weeks of rape and torture, but Stiles haven't let out a single Word about Derek, that Deucalion can use aginst him. But the pain and the shame is to much for Stiles to handle, just knowing that Derek Will for sure leave him after this, that he wouldn't have such a used up hore as boyfriend. Ofcourse Stiles knew Derek wasnt like that, he knew that Derek wouldn't blame him becurse its not his fault that his being raped, but he just hear a voice saying that he Will and it kills. Here for the last few days its been rough, the torture and All the threats that was followed by a ton of yelling, but what can there be done? Derek dont know where he is, and cant pick up his scent. Stiles stopped talking after the frist five days, here in the layer and after that not a sound, not some noices from the rape or the torture. Stiles knew that keeping his mouth shut, was to play with fire but it Will protect Derek, and that was All That matters. The torture was Hard to deal with in the begining, but after seeing the pattern he learned the rutine, and didn't fight aginst that either. He could feel that Ethan and Aiden was getting bored of him, that he didn't put up a fight as much as he had done for the frist days. In the first 4 days he had screamed and yelled after Derek, but then he didn't Care anymore and the only Thing he could think of how much he wanted to die, becurse he knew that he wouldn't escape this hell. And here he was at night time trying to sleep, but couldn't so he started to sing, one of his moms fivorite song.

" if i die young.
Burry me in satin.
Lay me down on a bed of Roses.
Sink me in the river at dawn.
Send me away with the words of a love song."

At first Stiles had thought that the lyrics was wired, and complicated but now after his mothers death, he knew what it meant. He knew that someone is destent to die at a young age, and that not everyone was destent to live, to the age of 40. He let a tear fall on the floor as the memories of his Mother returned, he remebered when they chose to prank his dad with putting something gross, or wired in his food. Oh old times that Hurt to relive, the scar from the past giving him sting of pain, in his heart like a burning needle. He let out a breath before returning to his emotionless state, and try to get some sleep. But got interupted when he heard voices near the door, he knew that the werewolves would hear that he was listening, but something told Stiles that he was meant to hear it. The conversation was loud but calm, so that they didn't cought too much attention from the young Boy, there was locked up right behind the door.

" he is obviusly not telling anything, and whatever we Are doing he just ignores, he dosent Care if we fucking shot him in the head."

Ethan was exstreamly upset becurse of the huge fail of their mission, to break the kid and get him to speak.

" the kid seems to be stronger than you have predicted, so what do we do with the human, that is as I see it completly useless."

Aiden was just as annoyed, for 2 weeks they have wasted valureble time, on an unbreakable human with a hella lot of spirit.

"then kill him and try to kidnap one, of the weaker in the Hale pack. At least we can shake Them, with the death of the human."

In defrence to the twins Deucalion was impressed by the Kids spirit, that he actually risked his life for a werewolf, there was a born killer. He could have been a great werewolf that human, but yet dangerous as he was that strong in spirit.

Stiles sat there with shock and a bit of happiness, now it All would end the hell the torture the rape, it would end for good and it Will give him the chance to see his Mother. He let out a relaxed sigh, know that the pain Will end soon. But then screams was heard and loud noices, yelling and cracking was heard. Stiles moved closer to the wall with tears stramning down his face, he could hear a terifying Roar as the door was kicked open. He closed his eyes as Hard as he could, hoping that the pain would be Quickly over. He let out a scream when he could feel, a strong hand on his arm. He could then hear a soothing voice, talking to him.

"Stiles its me im here just open your eyes."

Stiles did as he was told and saw Derek's familiar face, right in front of him. Tears was stramning down the young Boys face agian, when he pulled into a tight hug. Stiles was now crying hystericly as he tightend the grip, around the older male.


Stiles really want to leave now, he didn't want to stay a minutte longer in this place, there had giving him hell for 2 weeks without mercy. Derek gave a nod as he picked up Stiles carefully up, in his strong comfy arms and caried him out, from the building.
On their way out stiles noticed that there were a lot of blood on the floor, wich probably means that Deucalion and the twins Are dead, but there were No bodies? Did Derek hide Them so that he, wouldn't get scared of the sight? As they got out in the cold air he saw Scott standing in front of a big truck, Scott opened the door with a worried look on his face. All he could remember from the ride home, was the faint whisper that Derek had spoken, in his ear saying.

"get some rest My love i Will be there when you wake up."

He didn't need to say that twice couse Stiles got out with in a second, finally  able to get some sleep. But before the darkness knocked him out, he managed to mumble something out.

" im sorry Derek."

And then the darkness claimed Stiles as its victim.

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