Chapter 6

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Its been 2 weeks since Derek had saved Stiles, from what looked like hell on earth. But it have been rough, and it dont seem to stop. Couse when the frist day Stiles had been home he was difrent (more then usual). He was not talking. Barely eating and to top it All of, he didn't want to be touched. Derek's heart broke the first time Scott had decided to give Stiles, a hug where Stiles had let out a scream and rolled up on floor. They had done something to him, something bad. Its like they have killed every pice of happiness there where in his life and replaced it with fear. But that was not it, there where nightmares All the time, in the middle of the night following with a loud scream to stop. Who was it that was hunting him in his Dreams, what the hell did those alphas do? And that what was happening agian this night. Derek was waken by a loud scream and some sudden movements. He looked at Stiles there was, crying in his sleep begging whatever there was hurting him to stop. Derek felt a tear fall down his cheek as he pulled the young Boy into his embrace, earning another terifying scream from the Boy he loved. Thats when Stiles woke up and saw Derek with a tear on his cheek, and a hurten look in his eyes. Stiles knew this was stressing and hurting Derek and its All becurse of him. Stiles pulled away from Derek to put some sweat pants on and a shirt.

"Stiles what Are you doing?"

He could hear that Derek was confused and worried, he was always worried and he had right to be. But Damn it was Hard.

" i... i need to go.... Please dont follow i need some time to think."

Derek looked at Stiles Even more confused as he saw Stiles put his red hoodie on, and taking the bat with him, he would have laughed if it wasnt for the situation they where in right now.

" Stiles please its 1am. Just Come back and sleep."

Stiles froze on the spot, he tighten the grip around the bat as if they where being attacked. He turned around and looked at Derek with a tear in the conor of his eyes, trailing down his cheek.

" Derek if i sleep i might not wake up. There Are demons and they Are not pink and fluffy. They Are Black and sharp, so No i cant sleep."

Derek saw Stiles one last time in the eyes as Stiles spun on his heel and walked out the door. He could smell the sadness and fear in the air, and tried to hold his breath as the smell was disgusting and almost threaten to choke him. He was about to chase after Stiles when he understud that Stiles needed some air, he have been trough a lot of scary shit.

Stiles drove his jeep deeper and deeper into a forrest, in another city there where just 5 minuttes away from Beacon Hills. The tears were streaming down his face, and sobs where the only Thing breaking the silence. He reached a place the jeep coudn't drive, so he got out and began to walk out in the dark mysterious forrest. Loud sobs where filling the darkness, as he continued to walk trying to escape what Was in him. He got to a opening, where there where a Cliff with a view to the city. He looked over the edge, to see more the a 30 meter fall. One jump and it Will end the pain, he would kill his demons and his horrible past. But he coudn't, not to Derek it was to evil to Even consider. Beside he would miss Derek too much. So he sat down on the edge of the Cliff, legs dingle out in the air and a stream of wind gently stroked his cheek. He looked at the city thinking that they May have their own super natural beings, there where defending Them like Derek and the others where protecting Beacon Hills. After an hour of looking at the city Stiles's vision was becoming blury and his eyes dry and heavy. He was letting out a horryfying loud yawn hearing the echo in the depth of the Cliff. It was getting out of hand and before he knew it the darkness of the sleep had stolen him. He was in a big Black room, there looked awfully familiar. He turned around, hearing a loud scream and a cold laugh. There he was getting tortured and raped, as if it wasnt bad enough to watch he could feel it, the way it Hurt and how painfull it was. He tried to scream but nothing came out. Sudenly it All became dark and a pair of glowing red eyes where staring into his eyes, a cold hearted laugh echoed in the Black room of infinte darkness. Only there he could let out the loudest scream he wanted, earning another laugh from the red eyes, there where now burnin with amusement. Stiles screamed agian hopeing that the eyes would disapere, if he screamed loud enough. The eyes disapered into red smoke, and flew away only then he could feel that someone, tried to pull him into the awoken world. He opened his eyes, seeing a worried Derek and a scared Scott. A smile came across Derek's face as he pulled his young love into a tight hug. But the eyes apared in front of Stiles' eyes, cousing him to let out a terryfied scream, and pushing away from Derek rolling up and cry. He was on the ground sobbing as he looked at Derek. Derek just looked horrified, his own boyfriend had pushed him away.

"something is very wrong." Derek said looking at Scott, there returned the same worried look, before they returned back to Stiles. This was going to be painfull and Hard, but Derek knew he have not saved Stiles completly.

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