Charpter 3

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Its monday in Beacon Hills, a Grey morning just screaming boring. Couse there Stiles was, sitting in USA's history class bored as shit, just wanting Derek to be there with him. So what else could he do, then getting himself thrown out of class. Stiles looked up at the teacher, there was looking at a bunch of papers, had No idea what Stiles was about to do. He took out some of his, school items out and started/tried to juggle Them. Just acording to plan he coudn't juggle, and the items landed on the floor with a exstreamly loud crash. The teacher looked up, useing her super eagle vision, to locate the couse to the noice. She looked at Stiles and then at the items, she then looked back at Stiles, with a fourious look and eyes there were close to rolle out her head.


Stiles took his bag with a fake sad puppy face and walked out the class room. When he got out a sly smile was on his face, as he made a victory dance as he had sucseded, his mission to skip the most boring class ever. He took a turn down the halls of the school, only hearing the echo of his shoes meeting the floor, as he took several steps down another hall. But at the end of the hall he could hear foot steps there defently wasn't his own, he began to think about the fight that him and Derek had yesterday and that Derek had insited that there still were danger. Damn Stiles had been wrong, and should have listen to the werewolf. He could feel his pulse starting to pick up speed, and sweat starting to trail down his chin, he then took the chance and looked over his shoulder. There he could see two big guys side by side shirtless. 'Who runs around school, without a shirt on?' Stiles thought to himself. As he looked closer he could see it was twins, but it was not got in his mind at frist glance, it Was the red eyes bruning red eyes there looked deep in his soul. The Guys began to move forward closer to where Stiles was, they spread their hands out to reveal a sharp pair of claws, there could murder him for sure. He saw the smile they had on their faces were pure evil, No other emotion then anger towards him, one of the twins let their claws slide aginst the walls, leaving the wall with some scratch marks and Stiles with a momenterely deaf, state were the only Thing he could hear was the noice the claws had made aginst the wall. Then they began to talk and that was the scariest shit, he have heard in a long time.

"look Ethan its Hale's little, Pet human All alone."

The other twin that aparently was Called Ethan, let out an ice cold laugh and looked at Stiles, with his blood red eyes there could plant demons inside of him.

" it seems your right Aiden, just as Deucalion told us."

'Deucalion? That must be their leader'  but he didn't get to think trough before he saw, Scott in front of him, claws ready to tear anything apart. Scott turned his head to Stiles, with his amber eyes and exstended, fangs sharp as a needle.

" Stiles run i keep Them back, just run for fuck sake."

Stiles snaped back to reality, and turned around and began to run, towards the exit. He was almost there when he heard a big crash, and a unatural sound bones cracking and turn. He looked back to find Scott on the floor, with his arm almost torn off, and instead of the two twins, where now a huge creature with a nasty scar across its face. It opened its mouth and a boneshaking Roar, almost blew All of Stiles' skin of and he was pretty sure, that it was blood there was streaming out his ears. He could see the creature moving closer, to where he was Stiles tried to run but fell right down on his knees, he tried agian and ended up with the same result. He was still on the floor, paralyzed by sheer fear of the enormus creature. As the creature was right in front of him, the scar on its face began to shine as the scar, began to open and split the face in half and out came the twins. Stiles was really grossed out, that the twins could do that and that, it looked so painfully desgusting. The two of Them took Stiles by his shoulders as they draged him to the exit. But before they got out they ramed Stiles' head aginst a locker, every Thing became Black as if someone, had turned off the light at midnight. He could hear the two twin's cold laugh but he heard another one, he coudn't hear what he was saying, but it didn't matter All that mattered is that Stiles missed Derek, and that this would nerver have happened if he wasn't so Damn stuborn. Stiles then fell into the darkness of uncontionus.

Derek had just got clothes on, after his bath when a text from Scott, apered on the lock screen. He read it with a tear in his eyes and a burning anger in his guts, he then threw his Phone across the room, and let his eyes turn into their blood red color. He swore that if they Hurt Stiles, or crumed just one hair on him, they were as good as dead.

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