4. I've Changed My Mind

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“Excuse me, but why do you want us to leave?” I asked curiously

“We have an exclusive guest coming and they insist that the whole restaurant be empty.” The waitress said, once again trying to take my arm, gesturing for us to leave.

Sam stood up coming face to face with the waitress “WE JUST SAT DOWN. AND THEREFORE WE ARE GOING TO STAY AND EAT.” Sam said confidently. I was very surprised with the waitresses reaction. All she did was walk away as they were preparing for the arrival of their “special guests.”

About 2 minutes later the manager came over to us, “Uhm.. ergg.. I’m sorry but our special guests really would like to sit in this booth, so I’m going to have to ask you to either move to a different table, or you can just leave.” He said very politely.

I stood up and got out of the booth. “You know, all I wanted was a lunch before we went to a concert. We are sorry that we caused you trouble, but umm.. I’m never coming back here again.” I said stern and confident. Sam looked satisfied with my response, so she got out of the booth as well.

We both walked over to where we stood previously when we were waiting to be seated. I decided to look up and I instantly locked eyes with Harry Styles who was standing right in front of me. Sparks felt like they flew through air. Nothing seemed to matter. As we both stood there looking at eachother I was pushed violently by the manager to get out. Sam just witnessed my moment with Harry. I came up to my knees and turned around as I watch Harry be whisked away like the blink of an eye. I was noticing the rest of the boys with him as well, though I noticed that Niall was staring at Sam who was trying to help me up.

I couldn’t believe that I feel so hard to the ground and One Direction just didn’t care. They walked passed as if I was a crazed fan. I defitnetly had a different opinion of them now. I finally got up to my feet and looked at Sam whose eyes were filled with envy.

“Are you okay?! I saw you had that moment with Harry..” She winked.

“Trust me, Harry doesn’t seem like the guy I thought he was after all.” I said walking away from the restaurant leaving Sam standing there alone.



‘I felt really bad about leaving that girl on the floor like that. I think she was the girl that ran out on me when I was in that music store. She was really talented. I wish I knew who she was.’ Thoughts ran throughout my head when we all began to sit down at the table with a rather large booth.

“You okay, mate?” Liam said, noticing that I was distracted by something.

“Yeah, I’m...I’m fine. But, I think you should be asking Niall.” I said while looking over at Niall who I noticed was staring at the girl who was helping the one I talked to earlier up.

“Eh, Niall, maybe you should go talk to the gal?” Lious said while winking at him. Niall began to brush it off, but then he noticed that she was standing there alone as her friend walked off. Niall got up and walked over to the girl who stood all alone.

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