Uncle Rocket

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After the snap, half of existence perished. After Rocket watched Groot fade away to dust right before his eyes, he lost it. Rocket ran, away from the survivors griefing, away from the remnants the battle. He just ran, grief consuming him. He hijacked the first ship he could find, taking off to where he belonged, space. 

Tears clouding his vision, he locked on to the only pinpoint location of his family: Gamora. 

She had to be alive, surely Thanos wasn't a match for his 'daughter.' She was on Vormir, Thanos must have ditched her and left her stranded on that planet. Everyone else was gone... I had to save one member of my family.

Rocket wiped the tears for his eyes, teeth bared in anger as he navigated to the jump point, not caring how many jumps it took to get to Vormir. He had to do something.

Soon enough, but not soon enough for him, Rocket reached Vormir. He gripped the controls, regaining his composure before he landed the stolen ship. He punched the location into a portable tracker, taking it with him as we ventured out of the ship on his search for Gamora. 

"Gamora! Where are you?" Rocket shouted desperately. All of a sudden, a distance cry ripped through the abandoned planet. Rocket followed it, closing in on Gamora's location as well.  

The cries were heard clearly now as Rocket stopped movement in the snow. He dropped the tracker, sprinting over to the movement.

It was a baby. Lying here helpless in the snow.

Who in their right mind would abandon a baby in the snow? It's so small, it looks like a newborn.

The baby's skin was slowly turning blue, but beyond that, the baby had the skin of a Terran. But, upon further examination, parts of its skin was green. Not just any green either...

"Don't tell me, please," Rocket said, picking the baby up in his arms. As he picked her up, the piece the transmitted Gamora's location dropped to the ground. Rocket examined the baby one more time before holding the baby tight.

"What did you two do?" Rocket said out loud before picking the tracker up and heading back towards the ship.

In the ship, Rocket scavenged for a blanket to wrap around the child, holding it close to him while sitting back in the pilot's seat. Today's events weighed down hard on Rocket, but this was something he would have never expected.

"Well, I guess I'm an uncle now." 

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