Hi Mommy. Hi Daddy.

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The power of the gauntlet rushed through Meredith, bringing the young girl to the ground. Meredith clenched her teeth together tightly, using her other hand to brace herself against the ground. The voices from the Soul Stone continued to flood her mind, every one of them saying the same thing.

Let. Us. Out.

Meredith stood up, holding the gauntlet with her other hand as well. Her fingers barely fit inside, but they fit just enough to move the finger part of the gauntlet. Just enough for her to snap her fingers on the same day Thanos snapped his twelve years ago.

Happy Birthday to Meredith.

The whole ground shook, knocking everyone to the ground. A huge flash of light went off in the distance. Nebula looked around to make sure Meredith was okay, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Meredith!" Nebula yelled, sparking Rocket's interest.

"Where is she Nebula?" Rocket got to his feet, looking around as well. Time froze for the two as they looked for their niece. They ran towards the direction of the flash, the Avengers hot on their tail. But instead of finding Meredith, they found the crowd of people who had been trapped inside the Soul Stone. 

Out of the entire group, the only people Rocket and Nebula could focus on were the Guardians. Peter, Gamora, Drax, and Groot. They all stood together in one group, hugging one another. 

Rocket rushed up to them, hugging Groot tightly. Nebula followed behind and pulled Gamora in for a hug. It quickly turned into one big Guardians group hug.  But after a while, Rocket knew someone was missing. He pulled away from everyone, scanning the crowd of heroes.

"Where is she!" Rocket yelled, starting to panic.

"Where is who Rocket?" Drax asked.

That's when Rocket turned to Peter, punching him. "You sir, need to learn how to use a fucking condom," Rocket said. He then turned to Gamora, "And you, you need to get on birth control or something. Like, immediately if you two are gonna fuck again!"

Rocket's frantic behavior was puzzling everyone. Peter and Gamora were very embarrassed, struggling to find the words to respond to Rocket. 

"Rocket two question. One, how did you even know... I'm not gonna say it again, and two, what are you going on about? What happened when we were gone?" Peter asked. Rocket sighed, looking around one more time. 

"It'll all make sense once I find her," Rocket said running off. Gamora went to go after him, but Nebula stopped her.

"We want this meeting to be good for her," was all Nebula said. 

Rocket found the girl further into the woods, curled up into a ball as she held onto the gauntlet. Rocket crouched down beside the girl, sitting her up slowly.

"What did you do Mere?" He asked, staring at the gauntlet in her hands. 

"They told me to let them out so I did," the young girl replied.

"Who did?" Rocket asked again, his mouth going dry.

"Mommy and Daddy told me through the Soul Stone."

Rocket hugged the little girl tightly, letting her sob onto him. He managed to get the gauntlet away from her, tossing it away from them. Once Meredith's sobs calmed down, Rocket pulled her away to face him.

"But you did it Mere, you got everyone out. Peter and Gamora are out there," Rocket said to the girl. Meredith sniffled and shook her head.

"But they don't know about me. What if they don't want me Uncle Rocket?" The young girl said to Rocket. Rocket sighed, helping the girl to her feet.

"Of course they'll want you. They'll know you're theirs the moment they see you," Rocket said, leading the girl towards the group. 

Meredith activated her helmet to cover her face. She had dreamed of the moment she would finally meet her parents, but she never would have guessed how nerve-wracking it would be. Rocket held Meredith's hand as they approached the group but before they got to close, Meredith stopped in her tracks. As Rocket tried to coach the young girl closer, the Guardians began questioning Nebula.

"Who is that? And why do they have my jacket and my helmet?" Peter asked.

"Why do they have my sword?" Gamora asked.  

"Her name is Meredith," was all Nebula answered with, earning more questions from Peter.

"She has my mother's name?" 

Nebula nodded, trying to motion to the girl to come closer. "Rocket remembered you saying if you ever had a girl that you would name her after your mother," Nebula said.

"Why would Rocket have to name her? What the hell is happening?" Peter asked more question before Rocket disabled the helmet to reveal Meredith's face.

Peter and Gamora's eyes widen as everyone else's jaws dropped. Rocket led the girl closer to the group. The little girl shyly waved, pulling the jacket closer to her body.

"I have a daughter," both Peter and Gamora said at the same time as the dropped to their knees in front of the little girl. Meredith smiled, hugging both of them at the same time.

"Hi mommy, hi daddy, my name's Meredith," the little girl spoke. Gamora pulled back to look at her, smiling softly. Peter took this opportunity and wrapped his arms around the girl tighter. Peter stood up with the girl and Meredith wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I can't believe I have a daughter. This is..." Peter trailed off, hugging the girl again. Peter's mind was filled with heartbreak for the girl, having to be raised without a mom or dad, not even knowing if she would see us. The little girl leaned her head against Peter's shoulder, yawning a bit and smiling. 

"I'm glad I got to meet you, daddy," Meredith said. Every time the young girl called him daddy, his heart cracked even more, a tear rolling down his cheek. He turned to Gamora and smiled with teary eyes. 

"Our daughter is amazing," He said. Gamora held her arms out, taking the young girl into her arms.  

"Thank you for raising our daughter," Gamora said to Rocket and Nebula. 

Everyone formed one massive group hug around the little girl, tears falling from everyone.

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