Hello Granddaughter

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Meredith didn't know what was happening, everyone began rushing outside. She just followed Nebula and Rocket and tried to stay away from the Avengers. Not once had Rocket or Nebula used her as bait when they were hunting bounties. Meredith regretted calling Thor but did not at the same time. Now was the moment, she would finally face off with Thanos. She would bring her parents back from the Soul Stone. 

Meredith made sure the mask was in place and made sure no skin that showed her Zen Whoberis heritage was visible as they kept running towards the threat of the universe. Soon, Meredith saw him.


They all stopped in their tracks, readying their positions against him. From what Meredith could tell, he was suffering from a power overload exhaustion. She had seen it before on a man they took a bounty for. He had put so many powerful upgrades into his body that he couldn't handle it. His body went into rejection when they were battling him and he died right there on the spot. That was the first person Meredith had ever seen die. 

Thanos chuckled, his laugh filled with corruption. He held the gauntlet up, the purple stone, the power stone, shining bright. Everyone was thrown backward by the power of the stone. Meredith braced herself for impact, rolling the way Nebula taught her to lessen the blow. Meredith stayed down on the ground, waiting for the others to get up. Slowly, one by one, everyone got to their feet. When Rocket got up, he made his way over the Meredith to help her up.

"I know how to beat him," Meredith whispered to Rocket. Rocket looked back at the Avengers started to go after Thanos and looked back at her.

"What are you talking about Mere?" Rocket asked. Meredith sat up on her knees, Nebula now by her side.

"His body can't handle that much power. It's like that one guy who put too many upgrades in his body and they got rejected. We have to get him to use so much of his powers that his body starts to reject it. Then we can get the gauntlet off of him," Meredith explained, readjusting her father's jacket.

Rocket and Nebula looked at each other, then back at the girl. "That's actually a really good idea." They said simultaneously. 

All three of them got to their feet and rushed into battle, doing their best to make Thanos continue using the powers of the stones. The battle was hard but was more difficult for Rocket and Nebula. They were fighting Thanos and keeping Meredith from getting hurt. 

Meredith fired her wrist blasters at Thanos while Iron Man attacked him from the front. Thanos used one of the stones' powers to fire at Meredith. Meredith was shot back out of the way, nose-diving to the ground. 

Meredith hit the side of her head on the ground. That also happened to be the side that held the piece that controlled the helmet. Soon, the helmet was gone from Meredith's face, revealing her face, but more importantly, her Terran-Zen Whoberis skin. Everything stopped.

Thanos looked directly at the girl, sending everyone currently attacking him flying. He stalked up to the young girl. Meredith scrambled to her feet to get away from Thanos, but he froze her in her tracks.

"You have Gamora's skin," Thanos said to her, a finger grazing her cheek. Meredith swallowed hard.

"Don't you dared say my mom's name when you're the one who killed her!" Meredith stated, choking back tears. Thanos smiled, shaking his head.

"But you see little girl, Gamora was my daughter. I am your grandfather," Thanos said to Meredith, her eyes widening in fear.

"Hello, Granddaughter."

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