Bring Me Thanos

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After that day, Nebula took on the responsibility for training Meredith in combat training, while Rocket trained her with weapons. Within the next year, all three of them started taking up bounty hunting again. They started with small ones, just to get Meredith some experience. By 11 years old, Meredith had started taking bounties by herself.

Meredith had been locked in her room for two days, or so they thought. Once Rocket got the door open and revealed that she was missing. Rocket and Nebula went batshit crazy looking for her. Rocket and Nebula were gathering weapons together for the search for Meredith when there was a loud thud from the back of the ship. Rocket took off towards the noise, Nebula yelling for him to stop. It was towards the back of the ship, and when he arrived, he came face to face with a bloody Meredith.

She had Quill's jacket, his helmet, and blasters, along with Gamora's old clothes and her sword. The jacket was way too big on her, and Gamora's clothes were still big on her. Rocket sighed heavily, his heart slowing down from racing. 

"Kid where the hell have you've been! You scared the shit out of us!" Rocket yelled, Meredith just shrugged her shoulders, not looking Rocket in the eye.

"I've been exploring different parts of the ship," Rocket cut Meredith off.

"That's bullshit and you know it! What were you-" Rocket stopped talking when one of the panels fell forward and a dead body dropped to the ground. Rocket just busted out laughing, clutching his stomach and falling to the ground. 

"So how much did you get for that guy?" Nebula asked, coming into the room.

"10,000 units, the guy was drunk off his ass too so it wasn't too hard," Meredith replied with a smirk. Rocket was back on his feet, breathing staggered from laughing so much.

"You're not grounded, but don't go solo again without us knowing alright kid," Rocket said to Meredith. She nodded, chuckling a bit.

"Ay ay Uncle Rocket."

That was about a year ago, Meredith was 12 now. She was the new face of the Guardians of the Galaxy. But what Rocket and Nebula didn't know, was that Meredith was going on solo missions again, tracking people had had information about Thanos. She had to be extremely careful, if she was caught she would be sold without a doubt.

Meredith was in the pilot seat of the Milano, Rocket and Nebula passed out in their rooms. They didn't have any missions they were on specifically, having just finished stopping a slave trade of child to Contraxia. Meredith dug into one of the pockets on her father's jacket and pulled out a faded card, given to her on her 9th birthday. She called the number, waiting for an answer.

One ring, two rings, three rings, finally an answer on the fourth. The voice of a man was on the other end of the line, she did not recognize him as Thor.

"Hello, who is this and who gave you access to this number?" The unknown man said.

"Where's Thor? He told me to call this number when I was ready," Meredith said back to the other person.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Meredith was about to hang up the call when her ship received an alert with coordinates on it.

"I guess Thor really did find you, Miss Quill. I sent to the coordinates for our base. I expect you won't be long. Welcome to the Avengers." And with that, the call ended.

Meredith was scared at first, knowing Rocket and Nebula would not approve of what she was about to do, but she didn't care. The only thing she cared about for the last 3 years was finding Thanos and saving her parents from the Soul Stone. She wanted Rocket to have his family back, she knew he missed them so much. She wanted Nebula to have her sister back and actually connect with her. And Meredith wanted to meet her mom and dad, she wanted to meet her uncle Drax, and uncle Groot. But that would never happen without the Soul Stone.

So, Meredith finally broke down and punched in the coordinates that were sent to her, piloting the Milano towards a planet called Earth. She knew that these Avenger people thought of her as some saving grace from Thanos. They would be her only chance in the universe to getting her revenge.

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