Welcome To Wakanda

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It did not take long to reach Earth, but what Meredith had not learned how to do was fly the ship into a planet's atmosphere. Meredith did not plan on waking either Nebula or Rocket up to ask how, so she just decided to wing it. It was difficult, Meredith's hands gripped the controls hard, but she got the ship through in one piece. She took a minute to catch her breath, having been holding it the entire time. All of a sudden, clapping was heard from behind her. She turned to see Rocket and Nebula shaking their hands in disapproval. Meredith laughed nervously, waving at them.

"H-hey, I didn't mean to wake you guys up," Meredith said nervously. 

"Where are we Meredith?" Rocket asked coldly. Meredith internally flinched at the sound of her full name coming out of his mouth. He never used to fully name unless he was extremely pissed off.

"We are... I'm not exactly sure..." 

"I'll tell you where we are Meredith. We are currently hovering over Wakanda, the place that stupid grape looking fuck snapped his stupid fingers with all six of the infinity stones and wiped out half of existence. This is the place Groot died, this is where Thanos made the move that killed your father while using the stone that he killed your mother to get! So why in the fuck did you bring us here!" Rocket was screaming, his throat going raw from the volume. Nebula placed a hand on Rocket's shoulder, looking at Meredith.

"They got inside your head, didn't they?" She asked Meredith. Meredith nodded her head, pulling her knees up to her chest. Nebula mumbled 'shitty Avengers' under her breath before taking a seat next to Meredith.

"These people are not your friends, they will not help you," Nebula said to Meredith.

"No, but they'll bring me to Thanos and that's all I need from them," Meredith's words were muffled but their impact was still a hard blow.

"So you're telling me, you just flew the ship halfway across the freaking galaxy, to let the Avengers do your dirty work, defeat Thanos and get the Soul Stone? Just for your family trapped inside?" Rocket asked her, Meredith nodded her head in response, earning a chuckle from Rocket.

"You really are Quill's kid," he said as he wrapped an arm around Meredith.

"Is that a bad thing?" Meredith asked.

Rocket shook his head and smiled, "Nope. Not at all, now let's go kick some alien ass."

Nebula and began to gear up as Rocket landed the ship, entering Wakanda once again. Meredith was wearing some of her mother's old clothes, draped over shoulders was her dad's infamous jacket. She just placing the wrist blasters Nebula had given Meredith on her birthday when she spotted something she had not seen before. It was a small earpiece. Nebula took it from her hands and placed it behind Meredith's ear, then tapped it gently. A helmet formed around Meredith's head.

"Keep that on when you are around these people. We do not want to know what you look like," Nebula said to the young girl.

"Why is that?" Meredith asked Nebula.

"So after we take off with what we need, they can not place a bounty on you. We're not here to save the universe, we're just here to save our family," Nebula said before walking away to the cockpit. 

Meredith left the mask in place, scared of what these Avenger people can possibly do to them. She tucked Quill's old blasters into the waistband of her pants and grabbed Gamora's sword. 

Meredith was ready to get her parents back.

Rocket landed the ship in an open part of the grounds near the kingdom's entrance. Meredith had walked towards the front of the ship to take a look around at where they actually were. Wakanda took Meredith's breath away. She had never been to her father's home planet, or meet anyone with any Terran in their blood. What the Terran's had built here in Wakanda was beautiful. 

"Take it in while you can Mere, it's all gonna be destroyed soon when Thanos arrives," Rocket said, powering down the ship and opening the exit.

"Not if I can help it," Meredith whispered under her breath, then proceeded to follow Nebula and Rocket out of the ship. Standing outside, waiting for the three, where the last remaining Avengers. 

Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, and Black Widow were all surprised when they saw the child walking out of the ship behind Rocket and Nebula. They were even more surprised that they could not see her face.

"Oh sweet rabbit, why must you hide the sweet child. We all know of her existence now," Thor answered. Rocket gave Thor the middle finger.

"Why so when we leave you can place a bounty on her to bring her back and raise her to be some type of weapon. I don't fucking think so," Rocket yelled.

Another woman with an army behind her pushed through the middle of the Avengers and marched straight up to the three.

"Welcome, I am Queen Shuri. Welcome to Wakanda. Please allow me to show you around," Shuri said while shaking each and every one of their hands, then motioning them to follow her. 

"We have much to discuss before we take on Thanos," Shuri said as she was walking towards a specific room.

The room looked like a control room, a large screen with a purple blimp was presented in the front. Meredith stayed behind Rocket and Nebula, fear taking over her movements.

"There isn't much time, Thanos is in Wakanda again. Once he was in our territory, we were able to track him. From the information we could gather, he is weak and unstable thanks to the combined powers of the infinity stones. We just need to catch him by surprise and take the gauntlet from him. Once we get the gauntlet, we should be able to reserve some of the damage that monster bestowed upon the universe."

Rocket and Nebula looked at each other, then back at Shuri. "How do you expect this to work?" Rocket asked with venom in his voice.

Shuri sighed before answering, "The plan was to use Meredith as bait, then-" Rocket would not let the woman finish, lashing out immediately.

"There is no way in hell you are using that girl for bait, so you better think of a new plan now cause I refuse to let that happen!" Rocket screamed. 

Steve Rogers busted through the doors of the room, silencing everyone. 

"Thanos is here, it's time to act."

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