The light Is Gone

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"Meredith! Meredith!" Rocket screamed, rushing over to the girl, dropping next to her. Meredith smiled weakly, blood trickling out the side of her mouth. Peter forced himself to sit up, finally seeing the blaster mark that was stealing Meredith's life force. Peter shed his jacket quickly, pressing it against the wound.

"Meredith, why did you do this?" Peter asked, voice hoarse. Meredith tried to shrug her shoulders but was too weak.  

"I couldn't let them kill you guys. They wanted me, now they got me..." The little girl said, coughing roughly.

Rocket went to jump up and open the doors to get her on the Milano, but Meredith grasped his hand, lightly pulling him back to her.

"Please stay with me Uncle Rocket... I don't want to die alone."

At this moment, the rest of the Guardians were surrounding the little girl, tears on the brink of spilling. This little girl had not even known them for more than a week yet she sacrificed herself for them.

"You're not gonna die, Meredith, I won't let you. I made a promise, you're not going to die," Rocket began babbling, gripping her hand tightly. Meredith smiled a bloody smile, reaching up to Rocket's face. She had to strength to mouth the words, 'It's okay Uncle Rocket' before closing her eyes for the last time.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Rocket screamed, slamming his heads against the ground. Drax had picked the girl up, running inside of the Milano as soon as Groot opened the door. 

"Rocket we need to go... We need to get her help..." Gamora whispered to Rocket. Rocket threw Gamora's hands off of him, running inside of the Milano. Peter and Gamora exchanged worried looks. Once Gamora got Peter back on his feet, Nebula had walked out to meet them.

"I'm borrowing one of the pods. Don't worry, we'll meet back up with you," was all Nebula said before she turned on her heels and reentered the Milano.

"Nebula what are you planning on doing?"Gamora asked. Nebula turned back to face them.

"Rocket already took off to take on the Nova Corps, I'm not gonna leave him here. Go, save my niece. Save your daughter. We will meet again sister." With that statement, Nebula was gone and Gamora and Peter were left dumbstruck. Gamora snapped out of it first, dragging Peter to the med bay.

Meredith laid on one of the tables in the med bay, Drax and Groot stared at them with teary eyes apologetic eyes...

Rocket had already snuck into the Nova Corps building, placing bombs around every corner. He was gonna destroy every single one of those assholes who took Meredith away from him. There was just one last person he had to take out personally.

Rocket hacked into the controls of the building, making it easy to break into the commander's office. Not just any of the commanders, but the one who shot Meredith...

Once the door was open, Rocket walked in. The commander was sitting at his desk, legs positioned up on top.

"Ah, Rocket. I've been expecting you. I do have to say, you did a good job hiding her for the last twelve years. I mean, not even the Avengers could find her. Very impressive indeed, but coming here will prove to be another mistake," the commander spoke. Rocket just started laughing, holding up a delay detonation device.

"Oh, I think you'll learn who made the mistakes tonight," Rocket said as he activated the device. Bombs started to go off throughout the building, starting with the ones farest away from them as they went off closer to them. 

"What have you done!" The commander yelled, jumping up from his seat and rushing towards Rocket. Rocket shot the commander with an electric stun gun, shocking him to the ground. Rocket continued to shock the commander, slowly turning up the voltage until it was deadly. 

Rocket released the cables from the commander, laying dead on the floor, burnt and still spasming. Rocket shot at the window, smashing it as he made his escape. Just in time as the final explosion reached the commander's office, destroying the Nova Corps building. 

Rocket landed, slowly walking towards the last place the Milano was seen, replacing with a pod and Nebula standing right outside of it. 

"That was a little bit of an overkill Rocket," Nebula said, looking down at the raccoon. Rocket scuffed, opening the pod and entering it. Nebula followed him inside.

"I don't care. They took away my sanity. That little girl was my life for the last 12 years and they took her away from me... I just returned the favor." Rocket said, venom slipping out of his voice. 

Nebula didn't say another word, just locked on to the location of the Milano and fired up the pod, following after the Milano. 

An emptiness settled across the universe, especially with the Guardians. The light that filled their hearts were gone...

Or so, that's what everyone believed.

The sequel is finally out: Give Her Back To Us


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