Happy Not Your Actual Birthday

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Today was the day Meredith celebrated turning 9. Rocket and Nebula threw Meredith a little birthday party, each year the little girl picked the theme. Last year, the little girl thought laser tag would be fun. So, Rocket and Nebula got together with the Ravagers to have her party on one of their ships, then modified the guns to leave colored marks instead of being lethal.

This year, Meredith wanted an 80's themed party for the new show on Netflix Nebula showed her. The Ravagers, more so Starhawk, suggested we have the party aboard his ship once again. Neither one of the three complained about that, well, except Nebula. Once they were all on Starhawk's ship, Meredith still asleep in one of their spare room, Nebula grabbed Rocket and dragged him over to the side.

"Rocket, are you sure we can trust these people with Meredith?" Nebula asked sternly, "Last time I checked, you wanted to keep her a secret from the entire galaxy."

"These guys were friends of Yondu, who would technically be her Grandfather. Also, the Ravagers don't deal in kids. That's why there's only a select few that come, so nobody runs their mouths to the wrong person," Rocket explained the Nebula. Nebula still did not fully trust the Ravagers, but this was better than leaving her on the Milano her entire life.

"Fine, but if anyone tries anything, I'm blowing this ship up," Nebula responded. Rocket pulled his pack around the front of his body, exposing a detonator device. 

"You act like I didn't already have that covered," Rocket then proceeded to laugh and moved the pack back in place.

Rocket and Nebula walked together to the main part of the ship where the celebration was taking place. In there, some of the Ravagers were standing over a best attempt stranger things birthday cake, writing happy birthday in red icing.

"Yo Rocket, how old is she?" One of them asked, moving the icing tube away from the cake before messing it up.

"We're saying she's turning 9 today," Rocket said, working on the projector to play scenes from the show.

"Two questions: one, how did this little girl get into Stranger Things? Two, what do you mean you're saying?" The Ravager holding the icing asks.

"She wasn't born today, she was born on the day Thanos sacrificed my sister," Nebula responded, walking over to the man, "and if you let that fact slip to my niece I will tear you limb from limb do you understand me." Nebula grabbed the front of the man's shirt. The man nodded quickly and Nebula let go of his shirt. He quickly added '9th birthday' to the cake and ran out of the room.

Rocket finished setting up the projector, standing up and starting to walk out of the room. "I'm gonna go wake up Mere, don't kill anyone while I'm gone," Rocket said, Nebula just scoffed at him and went about her business.

Rocket knocked on the door of the room Meredith was left to sleep in, hearing a sleepy 'come in' in return. Rocket opened the door and found the little girl sitting on the bed, one of Yondu's fins and his arrow in her hand.

"Hey kiddo, where did you find that?" Rocket asked, sitting next to her and picking up the fin.

Meredith shrugged her shoulder, twirling the arrow around between her fingers. "I found it in there," she said as she pointed to the open dresser drawer.

Rocket sighed, placing the fin down and wrapping an arm around the small girl's shoulders. "You know, these were your grandfather's."

Meredith whipped her head around to face Rocket, smiling, "Papa Yondu? Where did he get these?" The young girl asked.

"Where the old man got these, I have no idea. But, I did know he knew how to use that arrow well," Rocket said.

Meredith examined the arrow more, "How did papa use it?" She asked her uncle.

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