Like Father Like Daughter

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"How do you know they were looking for you Mere?" Rocket asked in concern. This time, Nebula was the one to finally answer. 

"Because they said they were. I wasn't captured right away when the soldiers found me. It was only after I refused to give up Meredith's location that they did. The soldiers thought putting me in danger would bring the girl out of hiding," Nebula responded. 

"So what you're saying is-" Gamora started to reply, being cut off by Rocket. 

"They know about Meredith."

Rocket and Quill were up on their feet in an instant and rushed to the cockpit, firing up the ship immediately. The plan was to get off Xandar and as far away from the Nova Corps as possible. It was not often they took a kid's word for something, but when that kid defeated Thanos and restored half the universe, you learn to listen pretty damn quick. 

The Guardians soon encountered a problem when trying to take off from the planet: their thrusters weren't working. Peter and Rocket both worked at the controls, trying to bring them back online. That's when a transmission came through. It was from the Nova Corps.

Peter answered it in haste, scowling at the screen. "What is wrong with my ship? It was just fine when we landed."

It was the jackass commander from earlier, a sinister smile creeping upon his face. "Oh, once we figured out you were carrying the girl, we did a manual override of your ship's controls. We'll release you, once you hand her over."

Rocket laughed, leaning his hand against his cheek and facing the screen. "What girl? The only girl we got on this ship that wasn't an original Guardian was Nebula, and last time I checked you cleared her name."

The commander chuckled, sending an image through the com. Clear as day, it was Meredith without her mask. Rocket's face fell, looks like he can no longer keep up the lies.

"I know you have been able to hide her for the last 12 years raccoon, but bringing her to Xandar was easily your biggest mistake in your plan. Now, hand the girl over," The commander said. 

"Y'all are real fucking funny if you think I'm just gonna hand my daughter over to you idiots!" Peter yelled, ready to switch the com off and take back control of the ship.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Starlord, the moment you end this transmission, we will board your ship and take the girl. So, you can either hand her over willingly, or we can take you all down in the process. It is your choice," the commander said, smirking devilishly. 

Gamora reached over Peter and ended the transmission. Peter and Rocket whipped their heads around, staring at Gamora in shock. Gamora stood in between them with her arms crossed over her chest. 

"I'm a warrior and an assassin, and now, I am a mother. I will die before I let them take my daughter," was all Gamora said. A grin flashed across Quill's face as he jumped up and pressed his lips against Gamora's, wrapping his arms protectively around her. It was a second of bliss before Rocket pushed them apart to get out of the cockpit.

"Sorry to interrupt your lovemaking fest but let's save your daughter before you make a second one," Rocket said. 

Peter and Gamora followed Rocket out of the cockpit, Meredith nowhere in sight. 

"Where did the young one disappear too?" Drax asked, looking around for her.

"Yeah, she's good at that. But if those Nova assholes get on this ship they'll still find her somehow, we gotta get the ship up and running before-"

"Already working on that Uncle Rocket. Just focus on fending them off, I'll take care of the Milano," Meredith's voice filled the speakers of the ship. Nobody could locate where she was based off the speakers. Damnit she was good at hiding.

"You heard the kid, let's kick some Nova Corps ass!" Peter yelled, activating his helmet and readying his weapons. 

The doors were down soon, revealing the Milano surrounded by Nova Corps soldiers. Fighting broke out the moment the Guardians were in sight, the battle to get aboard the ship was one to the death. It was mainly a distraction, a diversion until Meredith could get the ship out of the manual override controls. 

However, being out of the game for 12 years had dulled some of the Guardians senses and abilities. Peter was not bouncing back from hits like he normally could. Neither could Gamora or Drax, and Groot was still a teenager. The fight slowly weighed down on the Guardians. 

Soon, Peter took a hit to the head and his helmet was knocked off in the process, just like back on Ego. Flashbacks clouded Peter's vision and he couldn't get back up. His head spun from the concussion-inducing impact. Gamora watched as Peter went down and attempted to make her way over to him, getting shot down herself in the process.

Peter's breath was shaky as it became quick pants, anxiety tensing every muscle in his body. In his mind, he was back on Ego, fighting his father again. Ego stood in front of him, chuckling.

"You should've chosen my side son. Your daughter would most likely carry the celestial gene my boy. There wouldn't be a single being in the universe that would dare to touch her. Your family would've been safe if you had chosen your real family," Peter's vision of Ego said as he stalked closer to Peter, lying helplessly on the ground. Ego then reached out and grabbed Peter by the throat, lifting him up in the air. 

"Now, you'll never have the chance to raise that daughter of yours."

Meredith's screams are what broke Peter from the visions, he was never lifted up in Ego's grasp, but was still on the ground, unable to move. But now, from what he could see, laid his daughter right beside him, bleeding out on the ground. Standing above them, was the commander who started this madness.

"Hm, I guess this battle is over. She's no use to us dead." The commander said as he tossed his weapon to the side and turned on his heels to walk away.

That's when Peter realized what happened. Meredith took that fatal blow for him.

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