Living In Zombieland

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Well... Four years ago this world turned to shit, the dead turned living and started munching on people left, right and centre. When this all started I was in school with my friends... Ah friends. The people who you swear you will protect but in the end you see five of them get ripped to peaces because you couldn't save them. My name is Jay but my friends call me Titch because I was the smallest in our friends group... still am at 5' 8" (I've grown a few inches obviously), I am now twenty and I have seen more then anyone of my age should. This is my story.

Chapter One - The Outbreak Has Begun

"I can't believe Monsterdale won't let you on the trip" My best friend May said as we walked through the school corridor as I loosened the tie so it hung low on my shirt.

"Oh well... Her own fault she got in the way of my flying piece of pizza" I replied and she started laughing. I threw my lunch at the school slut and Monsterdale just happened to get in the way. As we approached English I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I stopped walking and pulled it out of my blazer before looking at the text I received from another of my friends Trinity-Rose. "Just killed the head teacher... with a chair... He tried to eat me O_o" It took me a moment to register what she had said. "Okay Trin... A sixteen year old murders head teacher with a chair. I can see it in the newspapers now!" I sent back and instantly my phone vibrated in my hand. "Birch don't go into that classroom. Come to my school now!" I could imagine her screaming this at me... She would if she could.

"May I don't think it's a good idea that we go in there" I said as I saw her looking through the glass of the door.

"Yeah I agree with you there... Look at this" She said before pulling me to the glass of the door. I looked in and saw my ex boyfriend Brandon have chunks ripped out of his body by... our teacher and one of our friends Harrison also screaming his head off as his skin was ripped open by half of the few people in class.

"Okay we are going NOW!" I shouted making everyone of the things in there turn their heads to us revealing black eyes, rotting skin and blood coming out their mouths as they smiled at us.

"Shiiit!" May shouted as they ran at the door, almost ripping it off its hinges. We ran through the corridors as we heard angry foot steps behind us. Stay by Mayday Parade rang from my phone as I looked at it. Trinity was calling.

"Now is a bad time!" I shouted as I answered it, the growling sounds behind us got louder and louder as we stopped mid track. Monsterdale was stood there as she looked at me and May, choosing which one of us she would eat first.

"Hold this" I said to May as I threw my phone to her and ran for the fire extinguisher on the far left of the wall. She groaned before running full speed to me. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and swung it as she got closer making her fall to the floor. Blood poured out of her head as I dropped the extinguisher on her just to be sure.

"That was fuckin awesome!" May shouted as I turned to the wall and threw up my lunch.

"Yup" I said as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and grabbed my phone. I looked down at Monsterdale and kneeled down next to her and put my hand in her blazer pocket to get her car keys. "Bingo" I whispered to myself as I stood back up and started running again with May following behind.

"What was awesome?" Trinity asked as we ran out of the school and into the car park.

"I killed Monsterdale with a fire extinguisher" I answered as I pressed the button on the car keys making a car beep and the headlights flash.

"Oh... I so would have wanted to see that" She laughed as I approached the awesome car that no teacher should drive.

"I'll just put it on YouTube shall I? Trin your not going to believe this... Monsterdale drove a Land Rover Defender!" I shouted as she gasped on the other end and rotting people squished against the school doors.

"Titch get in the car and drive to my school now!" Trin shouted through the phone as May and I got in the car, me in the driver's seat and her in the back... Trin always called shotgun. I put the keys in the ignition and put my foot on the accelerator and drove towards Trinity's school.

Trinity's POV

"Where the fuck are they?" I questioned to myself as I drove a chair leg through another one of my friends heads. "Claudia are you okay?!" I shouted over my shoulder to my friend Claudia who had found a crow bar and was pushing it through zombies eyes to kill them instantly. We where stood on top of one of our teachers cars waiting for Titch and May to arrive.

"Yeah I'm fine Trin!" She shouted back as she plunged the crowbar through Mrs. Shovelton's eye.

I saw a white Land Rover Defender come through the school gates with the front of it stained red and the roof removed.

"You getting in?!" Titch shouted as she crushed the zombies around the front of the car we where stood on giving us an advantage on getting across. I jumped over and sat myself in the front seat as Claudia jumped in thee back, Titch did a U-turn and droved drove out the school gates and t an abandoned car park where she stopped the car and at me.

"What's happening to this world?" She asked as she put her head back onto the leather interior of the car.

"I don't know..." I whispered as I looked down to my left and saw the perfectly shaped bite resting on my forearm. "How long do I have?" I asked myself as my eyes closed...

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